David Axelrod Says Michelle Obama Will Never Run for President: ‘She Doesn’t Like Politics’

David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to Barack Obama, has poured scorn over speculation that former First Lady Michelle Obama could run for the presidency.

In an appearance on CNN, Axelrod was asked about rumors that Michelle Obama could replace the declining Joe Biden on the ticket.

 He responded by pointing out that she does not even particularly like politics:

Here’s what I know. Michelle Obama loves this country, she is a brilliant person and a brilliant communicator. But she was a conscript to politics, she was never interested in a political life, even when Barack Obama was a young politician. She really didn’t participate much in his campaigns. I was with him in his Senate campaign in 2004, I think she showed up twice in the whole campaign on election nights. 

Axelrod added that the Obamas feel like they already gave a decade of their life to politics and they have no plans on throwing themselves back in the ring:

Despite Axelrod’s comments, which should be seen as highly credible given his close relationship with the Obama family, political figures on the right continue to insist that Michelle Obama will somehow be shipped in to replace Biden in the hope she will defeat Donald Trump.

Among them is Vivek Ramaswamy, often touted as a potential vice-presidential pick, who told Fox News this week that she provides the Democratic Party with a “convenient” alternative should they require it:

Also pushing this narrative is The New York Post‘s gossip columnist Cindy Adams, who reported this week that Michelle Obama had notified people close to her as far back as 2022 that she planned to run in this election cycle.

She wrote this week:

Ultimately, nobody knows what will happen in the 2024 presidential election or, given their respective issues, whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump will even be on the ticket come election day. 

Yet, given Axelrod’s credibility and that the Democratic primary season is already well underway, it is probably best to take all the Michelle Obama rumors with a heavy pinch of salt. 

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