Biden’s ‘Humanitarian Aid’ Pier Off Gaza Gets ‘Humanitarian’ Mortar Barrage From Hamas

Hamas terrorists in Gaza fired mortar rounds at the construction work underway for the “temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the coast of Gaza” promised by Joe Biden in his State of the Union address.

The IDF Spokesperson said that “terrorists from the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip yesterday fired mortar shells at the area of engineering works in the northern Gaza Strip. These works are carried out as part of the IDF’s effort to enable the expansion of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip in coordination with international partners. 
“The shooting was carried out while there was a patrol with UN officials. At the time of the mortar fire, UN personnel were brought into protected areas by IDF forces stationed there. “Terrorist organizations continue to systematically undermine humanitarian efforts while endangering the lives of UN employees, while Israel facilitates the provision of aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip.”


Biden to Announce US Will Build New Port in Gaza for Aid Deliveries During SOTU Speech 

Joe Biden, Real President of Genius 

Military Experts Warn of Extreme Dangers to American Troops Building Floating Pier off Gaza Coast 

Even Dems Protest Biden’s SOTU in the Chamber, As He Caves With Move That May Endanger U.S.

If only someone had seen this coming.

BACKGROUND: A Man, a Plan… A Temporary Port in Gaza? Are You Nuts?

On March 7, Joe Biden used the occasion of hopefully his last State of the Union address to try to shore up his pro-Hamas cred with Ivy League students and core Democrat voters in parts of Michigan and Minnesota.

The United States has been leading international efforts to get more humanitarian assistance into Gaza. Tonight, I’m directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the coast of Gaza that can receive large shipments carrying food, water, medicine, and temporary shelters.
No U.S. boots will be on the ground.
A temporary pier will enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day.

The mission was idiocy from Day One. Because the US military doesn’t have heavy lift ships, the flotilla of Army watercraft tasked with building the temporary pier had to self-deploy at a speed of about 12 knots and had a voyage plagued by mechanical failures. The mini-armada composed of five US Army watercraft — USAV James A. Loux (LSV-6), USAV Montorrey (LCU-2030), USAV Matamoros (LCU-2026), USAV General Frank S. Besson Jr. (LSV-1) and USAV Wilson Wharf (LCU-2011) — left Fort Eustis, VA, on March 12. 

The remnants have only now arrived off Gaza.

U.S. troops plan to start assembling a floating pier off the coast of northern Gaza as early as this weekend, American defense officials said, part of an effort by the Biden administration to open up new entryways for humanitarian aid ahead of a planned Israeli offensive in the city of Rafah. 

The Pentagon estimates that it will take U.S. troops 10 to 14 days to assemble the pier, but officials said it could take longer given the unusual challenges of building the pier as well as a floating causeway closer to the shore, without American military personnel ever setting foot in Gaza.

The mortar fire seems to have been directed at the construction of beach facilities to accommodate shipping containers and permit trucks access to the area.

This entire plan is utterly nuts. Hamas has no interest in allowing international aid organizations to bring aid to civilians independent of Hamas control. When aid to civilians does arrive, as the investigation into the World Community Kitchen debacle established, all aid vehicles forward of Israeli troop positions carry Hamas gunmen as “security.” 

RELATED: IDF Preliminary Investigation in Aid Worker Deaths Shows a Cascade of Errors and Confusion

The US is an ally of Israel, and there are no circumstances where US troops ashore in Gaza or afloat in the Mediterranean would not be considered targets by Hamas.

I’m sure there will be more exciting developments as this project progresses.

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  1. Isn’t there an old saying about “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”
    Also, the story Trump often recites about the woman who saves a [poisonous] snake and then it bites her.
    … some people never learn.

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