‘He’s Fine?’ Journo Shares Unintentionally Revealing Moment From Exchange With KJP on ‘Cheap Fakes’ Issue

The debate over the latest round of videos showing Joe Biden looking generally unwell, which the Biden White House falsely calls “cheap fakes,” is still raging, with The Usual Suspects on the left and in the mainstream media doing their part in trying to counter the mountain of evidence that, in reality, proves them wrong.

Leading the way in the gaslighting has been White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre who, during the Monday press briefing, proclaimed without evidence that “They are ‘cheap fakes’ video, they are done in bad faith, and some of your news organization have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem.” (grammar issues are hers)

“This is something coming from your part of the world, calling them cheap fakes and misinformation,” she also said to members of the White House press corps, several of who asked about the videos.

READ MORE: Karine Jean-Pierre Responds to Videos of Biden Being Senile, and Her Explanation Is Astonishing

But there was something else that happened during that briefing that didn’t get the attention it deserved, and it was pointed out by Newsmax reporter James Rosen.

Rosen was one of the reporters who was asking about recent clips of Biden including the Obama video clip and the G7 clip. During their exchange, Jean-Pierre repeatedly denied that there was any issue with how Biden looked and acted in any of the “cheap fakes” videos in question. But at three different points, Rosen asked her if Biden was “fine.”

She dodged every time and never directly answered the question.

Here’s the relevant part of the transcript:

Q    The majorities of American voters who are telling pollsters repeatedly for years now that they have serious concerns about this President’s cognitive fitness are being misled by cheap fake videos?  Is that what you’re telling us?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  I’m saying that there have been — in recent weeks, there have been cheap fake videos that have been fact-check.  They’ve been fact-check — by conservative media as well — to say that these videos are false.  They’re purp- — purposefully being altered. 
Q    So, he’s fine?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  That is —
Q    So, he’s fine?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  That is — look —
Q    He’s fine?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  — the President has done more in his three years — three and a half years as president than most modern-day president in what he’s been able to deliver.  He’s able to do that because he knows what he’s doing.  He knows how to deliver for the American people.

When even your high-paid apologists have their limits on how far they’ll go to tell fibs on your behalf, you know there’s a problem. A big one.

As I’ve said before, it’s not always what they say that tells you everything. Sometimes, it’s what they don’t say that gives away the whole game.

Related: Greg Gutfeld Puts Biden/Media Collusion on ‘Cheap Fakes’ Scandal in Perspective As Only He Can

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  1. There’s no excuse for all the excuses they’re coming up with.
    You can’t hide Bidens health any longer. Keeping him in the public eye is too damaging! The lies alone are killing the public, Biden has done more in his 3+ years than most presidents?? Oh,we’re seeing that!!!

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