Michigan Is in Play – Donald Trump and Joe Biden Can Thank Rashida Tlaib

I have to admit, I feel just a tad bit guilty discussing this subject, and I hope this does not come back to bite me in the rear with a Joe Biden victory in November. However, as lifelong Michiganinas such as myself know, this state has not gone to the Republicans very much since 1988. 

It only turned purple once in 2016 and only by 11,000 votes to former President Donald Trump. So anytime there is a chance that this blue state can turn purple for even a moment, I get a bit giddy. 

By the way, yes, we are called Michiganians as I covered here years ago: Fact Check: Hey Michigan, You Are NOT a Michigander. 

Ah, to hell with it, I agree 100 percent with what was spoken about right HERE even though these Fox News commentators have let the secret out about Rashida. 

Fox News contributor Byron York sounded the alarm for the Biden 2024 campaign after Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) tore into the president while addressing a controversial, pro-Palestinian conference over the weekend. Tlaib called President Biden an “enabler” of genocide and urged her supporters not to vote for him come November.
“We see Rashida Tlaib there pushing for protest votes. And Michigan obviously one of the prizes every year, but even perhaps more so with the way the polling is going there,” Fox anchor Griff Jenkins asked York on Monday.
“It’s all about Michigan. Obviously, he has a member of Congress from Michigan, a Democrat. Just absolutely, going off after him, for failing to say what, what Israel is doing in Gaza is genocide and all this kind of stuff that is not representative of the larger Democratic coalition. It is all about Michigan,” York replied, adding:

YES! You go, girl!

Don’t let anybody interrupt that lady while she’s throwing a temper tantrum and getting people to boycott Biden in November of 2024 by either choosing someone else to pull the tabulator for or just sitting home.  I don’t care which method they choose as long as she encourages them to do either.

If you don’t recall she has already been credited with having an impact on Michigan voters during the primary earlier this year, as mentioned in the post “Michigan Results Spell Big Trouble for Biden, Good News for Trump“.

From that article:

But the interesting aspect in Michigan was the protest vote against Joe Biden from the left. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D0MI) had called on people to vote “uncommitted” to show Biden that they were unhappy with his position on the Israel-Hamas war. 

Biden lost over 101,000 people to “uncommitted,” with the votes for Marianne Williamson and Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) making it more than 140,000 “not Biden.” 

It was even worse in Dearborn, where Biden lost the city. 

Here was CNN’s John King noting the first numbers coming in and saying, “So that’s a wow.”  

Now those were incomplete numbers but the Dearborn numbers by the end of the night were 6290 “uncommitted” to 4517 Biden, 56.22 percent to 40.37 percent. 

More voted in the GOP primary than for the “uncommitted” protest against Biden in Dearborn, which is an intriguing number, although it may have been pumped up by the crossovers.

You know how Republicans are usually the ones who try to perfect a way to sabotage an issue or an election? Well, here we have a clear example of a rank-and-file Democrat who is hell-bent on bludgeoning a member of her party over her feelings over facts issue. From the numbers above she was successful.

When I watched the news clip from Fox News above I almost wanted to scream at them and say don’t let the secret out. but alas it was already too late.

As I wrote right here at RedState just this past weekend about the incredibly lousy job Joe Biden has done to the country, it is affecting his numbers here in the Great Lakes State also.

READ MORE: Lousy Job Biden Is Working Miracles for Statewide Republicans in Michigan for 2024

From that article:

Biden is dragging down not only his chances in November but the chances of anybody who has a D after their name, and it is glorious to watch.  Democrats in the state of Michigan are going to start stiff-arming him, if not as the debate between Trump and himself at the end of June, then afterward.
A case in point is HERE, about Republicans being within points of a leading milquetoast Democrat who should be breezing to a victory in this state this fall:
A new poll shows the race for Michigan’s open U.S. Senate seat remains a tossup, with Democratic frontrunner U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin holding a slight edge over Republican former U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup that’s with the survey’s margin of error.
Slotkin, a three-term congresswoman from Holly, led by 3 percentage points with 40% to 37% for Rogers, a former seven-term lawmaker from Brighton, but that’s within the margin of error of plus-minus 4 percentage points. Another 23% of respondents were undecided.
The survey of 600 registered Michigan voters was conducted April 24-25 and commissioned by the Detroit Regional Chamber ahead of the Mackinac Policy Conference later this month where Senate candidates are scheduled to debate May 30.
What is even more impressive (in a way) is that the closest GOP contender Sandy Pensler is just down by 7 against Slotkin: 

So just a suggestion from now until November for those in the media covering the day-to-day of the 2024 Presidential race. If you are going to cover Tlaib just smile after she finishes. Let her continue to rant and rave and to continue to influence Michigan voters to boycott Joe Biden.

Do it for Michigan.

Do it for America.

Because Michigan and America can NOT take another 4 years of the mess that is the Biden administration.

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