President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief is opening new processing centers for Muslim migrants, amid pro-HAMAS riots in U.S. cities and just after Congress granted $3.5 billion more for migration within the $95 billion aid package for Ukraine and Israel.
“Not only did the ‘Foreign Aid’ package do nothing to secure our own border, it included $3.5 Billion to supercharge mass migration from the Middle East,” said a tweet from Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO).
“The Biden-Harris administration set the refugee admissions ceiling for fiscal year 2024 at 125,000 refugees,” said an April 23 release from the Department of Homeland Security’s visa-granting agency, adding:
With the opening of the Doha Field Office on May 7, 2024, and the Ankara Field Office on May 9, 2024, USCIS will have 11 international field offices. Other international field offices include Beijing; Guangzhou, China; Guatemala City; Havana; Mexico City; Nairobi, Kenya; New Delhi; San Salvador, El Salvador; and Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
The announcement was posted as Biden signed the $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
The package does not include any funds to help rebuild Americans’ border defenses against migration. but it does include $481 million to settle migrants in U.S. cities and $3.5 billion to expand migration programs worldwide.
The $3.5 billion was granted to the Department of State, which works with many international groups that feed and transport migrants on their way to the United States.
Tucked into the folds of the new foreign aid package is $3.5 billion for mass immigration NGOs.
— Theo Wold (@RealTheoWold) April 25, 2024
America Last Republicans voted to supercharge mass immigration while approving ZERO $$ for the U.S. border.
Biden’s deputies are now using the refugee programs as an adjunct to their diversity-expanding “equity” migration policy. For example, Biden’s deputies used the program in March to import 3,009 migrants from the safe and democratic countries of El Salvador and Guatemala.
They are also using the refugee funds to expand migration routes from many African and Muslim countries. In March, they pulled in 12,018 people from the Congo, plus 16,732 migrants from the Muslim countries of Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, and Eritrea, according to a report by

The inflow of Muslim migrants climbed rapidly under President Barack Obama. That inflow has helped to radicalize the Democratic Party and has imposed chaotic diversity on many communities, including elite universities and in Michigan.
Obama’s diversity is now a big headache for Obama’s vice president, President Joe Biden.
He is now campaigning for reelection amid TV coverage of campus chaos led by resentful Muslim supporters of the Arabic HAMAS terror force. The protests are being accelerated as immigrant Muslims demand that Biden pressure Israel to end its counter-attack against HAMAS, which massacred more than 1,200 Israeli civilians on October 7.
The campus chaos is also backed by many Muslim voters in the swing state of Michigan, which Biden needs to win in November.
.@tdwilliamsrome: Illegal Muslim migrants tell the Patriarch of Antioch that they will conquer Europe with faith and big birthrates.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 6, 2015
The Muslim diversity is also driving a wedge between Democratic leaders and their voters in the Jewish community, who feel increasingly targeted as radical youths, street criminals, and immigrant groups echo the Muslims’ anti-Semitic chants.
For example, an April poll by Siena College in New York State shows that Biden’s migration is opposed by majorities within all three primary religions in the state. The approve/disapprove numbers are 26 percent to 71 percent for Catholics, 40 percent to 57 percent for Protestants, and 30 percent to 61 for Jews.
Migration is deeply unpopular because it damages ordinary Americans’ career opportunities, cuts their wages, and raises their rents. It also curbs citizens’ workplace productivity, shrinks their political clout, and wrecks their democratic, equality-promoting civic culture. Migration also worsens inflation, widens regional wealth gaps, and extracts needed human resources from developing countries.