CNN Refused to Air Ad Blaming Biden for Laken Riley Death

CNN refused to air a commercial that blames President Joe Biden for Laken Riley’s death— the 22-year-old Georgia nursing student who was killed by an illegal immigrant. 

The group, Building America’s Future, created the ad to bring awareness to how Biden’s negligence with the southern border has wreaked havoc on American lives. 

“Laken Riley should have been able to go on a run in broad daylight without being murdered by an illegal immigrant. But Joe Biden promised not to deport illegal immigrants,” the ad states.

The ad was run across the United States, specifically swing states, during Thursday night’s State of the Union address. Fox News, MSNBC, and Newsmax all agreed to run the $700,000 ad. 

However, the group said CNN declined to air it. 

Riley was killed by 26-year-old illegal alien Jose Antonio Ibarra who had been living in the U.S. Illegally since September 2022. One year later, he was arrested in New York City for injuring a child. However, he was released from jail before Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents could issue a detainer for him. 

So when Jose Ibarra crossed into America illegally, he was not deported. He was not put in jail. Biden also supported sanctuary cities,” the ad continues. “When Jose Ibarra was arrested in New York City for endangering a child, he was freed a second time. Ibarra went to Georgia where he beat Laken Riley to death. How many more killers has Biden set free?”

Political strategist Phil Cox told Breitbart News that it is devastating that CNN is protecting Biden from the blood on his hands. 

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