Closing Arguments in Fani Willis Disqualification Hearing Do Not Go Well For Her

Judge Scott McAfee heard closing arguments in the disqualification effort to remove Fulton County DA Fani Willis and her team from the election interference case that involves former President Donald Trump and multiple other defendants. 

Prior to the closing arguments the judge made a comment that indicated he thought he might be able to make a decision without making a decision on the entering further exhibits like the cellphone data that shows 2000 calls between the two and almost 10,000 texts prior to the time they said they were in a romantic relationship. 

The closing arguments did not appear to go well for the prosecution, with Fulton County Deputy District Attorney Adam Abbate arguing the matter. Abbate argued there had to be an “actual conflict” for disqualification.

Multiple outlets dinged Abbate’s effort.

Even MSNBC’s Katy Tur had issues with Abbate. 

At one point, Abbate even referred to Willis as “Miss Wade.” 

The Washington Post said that at one point, it “looked like [Fani Willis] wanted to jump up and argue this case herself,” and she kept passing him notes. 

Willis looks like she knew here that it wasn’t going well with what they asked people to believe. 

Meanwhile, the defense was sharp and laid out the issues, as our sister site Townhall reported.

They also pointed out how improper it was for Willis to claim that they, the defense, were making a motion to challenge the bringing up the hiring of Wade because of race in her speech at the church when it had nothing to do with race and everything to do with the relationship between the two. Trump attorney Steve Sadow called it a violation of the rules of professional conduct.

“Can you think of anything more that would heighten public condemnation of the defendant than alleging that the defense counsel and the defendants were making their motion based on race and religion? That’s as bad as it gets in Fulton County, with all due respect,” Sadow said. 

Roman defense attorney John Merchant said,  “She put her boyfriend in the spot, paid him, and they reaped the benefits from it.” If this was allowed, he argued, the “integrity of the system would be undermined.” 

Merchant said there was also $9,200 that they couldn’t account for covering with their allegations of Willis paying back in cash for things spent on her by Wade. 

Attorney Craig Gillen for Trump co-defendant David Shafer said that Willis hadn’t provided the “receipts” that she paid back in cash.  

Defendant Robert Cheeley’s lawyer Richard Rice argued the cell phone data.

“I don’t even think lovestruck teenagers communicate that much,” Rice taunted. “Teenagers have a name for those kind of calls and this kind of escapades,” the attorney said, referring to the midnight visits Wade appears to have made to Willis’s residence.

The attorney for former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, Harry McDougald explained this had made the Fulton Count DA a “a global laughingstock” and placed an “irreparable stain” on the case. He said if they were not disqualified, they would get more things like this. 

Indeed, that’s one of the most important reasons for disqualification after all that has been revealed: maintaining the integrity of the system. 

The judge finished by saying he needed two weeks to consider the question and he said that, if any other issues came up, counsel could reach out. That, combined with his initial comment about not necessarily needing the additional evidence, might be a tell as to how he’s leaning. 

Indeed, as we reported, there was an issue with the waiter who said that he had seen Terrence Bradley with Nathan Wade about five weeks ago with Wade’s attorney at the restaurant where the waiter works. Yet, Bradley had testified this week that he hadn’t spoken to Wade in about two years. So that’s one more issue that shows how compromised this whole matter appears to have become. 

Original article featured on Redstate.

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  1. Fani Willis is a malignant narcissist who feels entitled and special and likes to refer back to her “daddy” to soften her criminal behavior. It’s so CRINGE to watch her outrageously cocky behavior. With pride cometh the fall Ms. Willis. And don’t bring God in to cover your sins. It ain’t gonna go well. Delusional Fani feels she’s a child of God so she can get some special favor but she forgets God doesn’t like LIARS and frauds and people who use HIS name to cover up their sins while they are doing WRONG. There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.” TELL THE TRUTH FANI. QUIT LYING! You are an abomination to the legal system. And justice. EXcuSE yourself you haughty, lying, wicked woman! You make hard working ethical black women look bad!!!

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