WH Cries About Fox News’ Reporting on Hunter Bribery, Alexander Smirnov, FNC Claps Back on Covering News

It appears that some of the people inside the White House who spend their days scrawling out Biden’s note cards and pointing him towards the right exits during public events, are big mad … over media organizations actually doing their jobs and reporting on the multitude of legal news stories involving members of the Biden family—particularly, First Son, Hunter.

What has them crying about the unfairness of it all is recent on-air reporting and commentary over the story of Alexander Smirnov testifying on the bribery allegation being investigated against Hunter Biden.

As we shared on Wednesday, after much pulling of teeth, Hunter Biden sat down and provided behind-closed-doors testimony to the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees–and the multi-hundreds of pages transcribing that interview was released for the American people to see on Thursday. 

My colleague Susie Moore wrote earlier:

After several dramatic twists and turns in the Will He or Won’t He Appear for a Deposition saga involving Hunter Biden, the First Son finally sat for a closed-door interview with members and staff counsel of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees on Wednesday, and the transcript has now been released. 
The transcript is 229 pages, so it will take some time to read and digest, but I wanted to go ahead and share it here (it’s linked above and may be viewed below) and share an initial observation regarding the maturity level of one Eric Swalwell (D-CA). 

But the WH isn’t reacting to that right now. It’s a White House assistant who’s lashing out at popular news outlet Fox News Channel (FNC) over prime-time personalities like Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters “promoti[ng] the allegations and ma[king] false statements” about Joe Biden to the network’s massive audience about FBI informant Alexander Smirnov’s testimony about the father and son’s allegedly illegal monetary entanglements with Burisma in Ukraine.

Calling the allegations against Hunter Biden “false,” White House special assistant to the president Ian Sams blasted the network for covering claims of bribery against the president’s son both online and over its airwaves “aggressively.

The Hill reported that on Thursday it obtained a copy of the letter Sams shot off to FNC executives, which does little more than regurgitate the tired talking points already out there from both the West Wing and Biden DOJ (Department of Justice). It read, in part:

I would cite the number of times Jesse Watters and Sean Hannity promoted this allegation and made false statements about President Biden on primetime television throughout this time period, but the footnote citations would fill multiple pages.
As you of course now know, the source of this allegation has been federally indicted for making the whole thing up. Despite this, Fox has taken no steps to retract, correct, or update its reporting on this false allegation from 2023.

Here are some of our stories covering the Smirnov saga:


BREAKING: Justice Department Indicts Informant in Biden Bribery Scandal

DOJ Claims Informant in Biden Bribery Scandal Is Tied to Russian Intelligence, But We Already Knew That

Judge Orders Former FBI Informant Jailed Indefinitely Pending Biden Bribery Scandal Trial

So, it’s no surprise that Fox News Media is not shrinking from the White House’s attempt at manipulating the media … something at which they’re clearly used to succeeding. In fact, it had the perfect clap back for such gross attempts:

In a statement to The Hill, a Fox News spokesperson said: “Fox News Media has reported on all key developments since the announcement that Alexander Smirnov was charged with lying to the FBI, featuring the story prominently.”
“We will continue to report on developments in all aspects of the ongoing investigations, hearings, and trials,” the spokesperson said.

Unlike the Democrats’ friends at MSNBC and CNN, some outlets investigate and report on actual news. Thoughts and prayers for the WH team at this difficult time. Actually, here’s a better idea: To combat the nonsense, misstatements, and incompetence from the Biden administration, Democrat Party, and their allies in the legacy media, take a moment today (if you haven’t already) to support RedState through our VIP subscription program. Day in and day out, our contributors make sure to bring you all the damning details that the mainstream media either can’t or won’t — and having the protective shield of VIP over our work lets us pour out as much truth as readers can handle. 

Another way to go is to take a spin with VIP Gold to enjoy the stories and podcasts at all of our great Townhall Media sites: PJ Media, Twitchy, Hot Air, Bearing Arms, and Townhall.com.We look forward to welcoming you to the team of loyal supporters. Whichever option you choose, VIP is your oyster!

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  1. But MSM had no problem reporting on Russian collusion daily against President Trump. After it was found out that was made up, did they retract everything they said about Trump??????

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