Uniparty: Former ‘Conservative’ Govt Minister Now Helping Left Prepare for Power

If you feel like there isn’t much to distinguish the two establishment parties and their identikit politicians, don’t worry! They seem to find them pretty interchangeable as well.

Former Conservative Party politician and think-tanker Nick Boles, a David Cameron-era Member of Parliament who had risen to the height of Minister of State for Skills before falling out with his party over Brexit and leaving the house in 2019 is now advising the opposition Labour Party.

Boles is helping the left-wing party prepare for government, reports Politics Home, says he has recently voted Labour and endorses the party’s leader Sir Keir Starmer, who has been trying to drag the party to the centre-left after the previous incumbent, Jeremy Corbyn, took a hardline stance. That process has met mixed results so far. While Labour is enjoying its best polling in a generation, greater scrutiny as the country gets closer to polling day threatens to shine a light on the radical views of some of its activists and elected members.

Top lawmakers have resigned from Starmers’ team and local politicians have resigned their party memberships over Starmer’s attempt to push the party towards a moderate position on Israel. Polling suggests this has gone down extremely badly with the Muslim demographic, a major source of support for the Labour movement in modern Britain.

Irrespective of those problems, Boles says he’ll “do whatever I can” to help Labour win, reports the Daily Telegraph.

PolHome reports a Labour spokesman who said of Boles: “…Conservatives – including former ministers – are now switching to Labour.

“While there’s still much work to be done to win a general election, we owe it to the public to ensure we’re prepared to govern given we’d inherit a complete mess from the Tories. Leaning on the expertise of those who have been at the heart of government is an important part of that work.”

Boles, one of the Tory ‘ultra-remainers’ who opposed Brexit and who could find themselves at home in any of the globalist-minded Westminster parties, had left the Conservatives in 2019 over the way the party was handling taking Britain out of the European Union.

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