Alec Baldwin Enters Plea in ‘Rust’ Manslaughter Case

Alec Baldwin may finally be facing some consequences in the shooting death of Halyna Hutchins. 

Baldwin was charged for a second time with involuntary manslaughter on Jan. 19 in the shooting on the set of Rust back in 2021. He was also charged with “negligent use of a firearm, or, in the alternative, involuntary manslaughter without due caution or circumspection.” He had previously been charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter, but those counts were dropped. 

He’s now entered a plea of not guilty in the matter and waived the arraignment. 

Fox reminded everyone of Baldwin’s interview with George Stephanopoulos in which he claimed he didn’t pull the trigger and the attorney they had, Andrew Stoltmann, thought that wasn’t going to help Baldwin’s case, understandably so. That’s going to be a hard argument to make. 

The actor faces 18 months if convicted of involuntary manslaughter. Stoltmann said he thought the prosecutors would be “salivating” to question him. Baldwin’s testimony, if he testifies, is certainly going to get a lot of attention. 

Baldwin’s legal team has demanded a speedy trial. But they also have to keep in mind there’s another trial that will be going on, as criminal defense attorney Robert J. Degroot told Fox News Digital.

“A speedy trial may not be in Mr. Baldwin’s best interests,” Degroot said. “There is currently a trial scheduled for another defendant who was the ‘armorer’ on the location. What explanation she may have for the presence of live rounds, creating a ‘hot gun’ situation, would have an immediate impact and collateral effect on Mr. Baldwin’s case.”

In addition to acting in the movie, Baldwin was also a producer, so that may also factor into his responsibility in the matter.

On top of that Baldwin is now dropping the price on his Hamptons’ estate trying again to sell it, and he’s even doing online ads to help hawk it. It was originally listed for $29 million, now it’s down to 19 million. He might really be in need of money with all the legal difficulty he’s now facing. Not thinking him bragging about sleeping on the beach and talking about the places he used to live is such a great selling point. 

At Baldwin’s estate, there is an in-ground pool and a field of solar panels. The historic farmhouse was originally built in 1740, and Baldwin had two additions built.
Photos show the estate’s sprawling meadow, stacks of books dedicated to artists like Edward Hopper and photographer Elliott Erwitt and a massive portrait of Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria. In the living room, above the fireplace, is a painting that shows her standing in front of shelves full of Rice-A-Roni.
Reddit users have already mocked the portrait amid Baldwin’s prior attempts to sell the house, with one user writing that it “was inexplicably left in place and might be one of the reasons the house still hasn’t sold.”

They might want to switch out the picture to have a chance of selling the property. 

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