CONFIRMED: House Democrat Being Criminally Investigated Is ‘Squad’ Member Cori Bush

As RedState reported on Monday, a House Democrat is currently under criminal investigation for the misuse of government funds under the guise of paying for “security” services. Heavy speculation revolved around that Democrat being Rep. Cori Bush, and that has now been confirmed. 

According to Punchbowl News, which broke the original story, the DOJ has subpoenaed the House Sergeant at Arms, who has records of how the money was allocated.

Bush’s troubles involving payments for “security services” are well known, with allegations that she paid her now-husband $60,000 in early 2023. That dynamic raised eyebrows because the man in question was not even licensed to provide security services in Missouri.

That’s a problem because having a security license is required in Missouri to offer security services, and you would assume Merritts would have provided his “services” in Bush’s district (especially given their personal relationship). Further, as the report notes, Bush’s campaign shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars in other payments to real security firms at the same time. That seems like a rather odd dynamic, does it not?

Further, Bush paid out around $500,000 for other “security services” during the same period, an amount that seemed absurdly overblown and unnecessary. Where was all that money ending up? Was some of it being funneled back to Bush? And what relation does that scandal have to these latest revelations about her misusing government funds under the same guise? It would certainly seem this is all connected. 

There’s still a lot more to learn, and things could get very messy in an election year. Bush is not the type of person who is going to go away quietly even if the DOJ drops the hammer on her. With that said, if she’s indicted, she must be immediately expelled from the House. That is the standard that was set with George Santos recently, and Democrats should be made to abide by it. 

Bush is one of the worst people in Washington. She’s an outright racist and is nakedly corrupt. It would be a good day if she ended up being booted.

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