Nikki Haley Explains Why She’s Still in the Race, Questions Trump’s Mental ‘Decline’

Former South Carolina Governor/U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley appeared on “Face the Nation” Sunday and showed she is not ready to concede to Donald Trump in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, criticizing his mental decline and the “chaos” that surrounds the former president 

After her appearance, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he was suspending his campaign, making it essentially a two-person race between Trump and Haley.

Asked why she was still going when the polls are not in her favor and Trump just won a resounding victory in the Iowa Caucuses, Haley replied that’s what primaries are for and that many Americans don’t want to see a Trump-Biden redux:

She also questioned whether Trump’s mind was as sharp as it used to be. Watch:

Haley went on to point out several instances where she alleges Trump got confused:

He’s simply not as sharp as he was when he was president, Haley alleged.

Haley has a tall hill to climb, even with DeSantis and others bowing out. She has made some unforced errors as of late and has been heavily criticized by Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump of course, Dan Bongino, and others. However, for now at least, she is not showing signs of backing down or planning to withdraw. With the New Hampshire primary coming up on Tuesday, Haley needs a strong showing to shore up her prospects. Then on March 3 comes the primary in her home state, South Carolina, where she would really need a win.

Watch the full interview here:

Watch the full interview here:


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  1. Sorry, Haley. What your selling, no one is buying. Socialism and Open Boards is not what our Republic was founded on. Your big liberal donors do not bode well for your RINO policies with true Americans.

  2. Haley needs to go and if she becomes the vice nominee, RFK gets my vote. I cannot stomach her and I don’t understand how she’s made it this far. NEVER NIKKI!!!

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