Balloons Flew Over JFK Airport During Anti-Israel Protest, Possible Threat to Aviation

The anti-Israel crew was out trying to block the entrances into JFK Airport in New York City once again on New Year’s Day — one of the busiest travel days of the year. In the process, they managed to cause delays on the Belt Parkway, also one of the most heavily traveled highways in the area.

Sixty flights were also delayed because of the action. 

Of the 60 delays, 15 were caused solely by crews arriving at the airport late as the protests impeded traffic to JFK for over two hours, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. There were no flight cancellations.

According to the independent photojournalist taking the video, the anti-Israel troublemakers also managed to hit an officer who was directing traffic while they were trying to block the road, as you can see in the video on X here. The people who were in the car were ordered out. Then, according to the journalist, they were let go. 

But the police did block them from getting into Terminal 4. 

Obvious protesters were also prevented from getting on the AirTrain to get into JFK Airport, as you can see in the video here.

But one of the most troubling things to see during the action against the airport was the report of a balloon flying over JFK, according to a viral video that now has over four million views. 

It’s now been confirmed by the New York Post from a law enforcement source that multiple balloons were flown over the Queens airport while the anti-Israel disruptive action was ongoing. 

The FBI is investigating who let the balloons go because they could cause a threat to aviation safety, the source said. 
It’s unclear if balloons were related to the protest. The Port Authority said it had no information on any balloons and Port Authority police made no arrests. 

If the Port Authority has no information about why the balloons were there, then they weren’t notified about any legitimate reason for them being there. That’s very concerning if, in fact, the protesters were behind that. That’s ramping up their actions to another level if they did it. But they’ve already shown they don’t give a darn about what harm their disruptive actions cause. 

People sounded off on X, many calling the release of the balloons “terrorism” and calling it a “federal offense” if the activists were behind the action. People also called for the police to take more significant measures to stop such disruptive actions in the future. 

Former NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind blasted the action. 

After the activists were blocked from JFK, they tried to block La Guardia Airport, but they were stopped there as well. 

But they declared “victory” anyway, as Councilwoman Inna Vernikov mocked their claim. 

That’s the thing that’s so wild here: None of these actions will get them what they claim they want. But it will make more and more people despise them for the actions they are taking. 

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  1. Arrest them all put them in jail throw away the key. Their actions will get people killed. Their ignorance knows no bounds. What the did is a federal offense if they’re the ones who released the balloons. Blocking traffic, trying to force their way into federal buildings, airports and other transportation hubs is illegal. But with our justice system nothing will be done until people are killed or maimed then the soft on crime prosecutors will just turn them loose and blame the victim. The public is getting sick and tired of these ignorant so called protesters and may start taking matters into their own hands and that will be the fault of the officials.

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