Scandal in Beantown As Mayor’s Office Sends ‘Electeds of Color’ Party Invite to… White Council Members

Remember when segregating folks by race was considered racist?

Well apparently in Boston, the mayor’s office is trying to make racial segregation great again by holding a holiday party for “electeds of color.” The only problem is that the email invite Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu’s office sent out to city council members for the party, which is scheduled to take place Wednesday, also mistakenly included the white members of the council:

Denise DosSantos, the mayor’s director of City Council relations, told the body’s “honorable members” that, “on behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu,” she was cordially inviting each of them “and a guest to the Electeds of Color Holiday Party on Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 5:30 p.m. at the Parkman House, 33 Beacon St.”
Approximately 15 minutes later, however, DosSantos sent out a follow-up email to city councilors, apologizing for the prior email, which was apparently only meant for those who were invited. The body includes seven white councilors and six of color.
“I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow,” DosSantos, a Cape Verdean Black woman, wrote. “I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.”

Here’s the original email invite sent by DosSantos, who helpfully lists herself as “she/her/hers”:

Here’s the apology email. Note that the “apology” is only for the “confusion” the invite sent to all members “may have caused,” not the potential hurt and anger:

Some city officials excused away the party by noting that it had allegedly been around for several years, which undoubtedly will be news to Boston residents.

The “Electeds of Color” holiday party apparently is being held on the same day as the holiday party for all city council members, which I guess means there will be separate parties for white city council members and one for black members since they can’t be in both places at the same time:

Gives new meaning to “separate but equal,” no?

When Michelle Wu was elected mayor of Boston in 2021, it was of course hailed by The Usual Suspects as a momentous occasion in the city’s history as she was the first woman and “person of color” elected to lead the city.

A focal point of Wu’s two terms in office has been “inclusion, diversity, and equity,” but one is hard-pressed to understand how holding government-funded segregated holiday parties fits into the “inclusion” part of that equation.

Further, one wonders if Wu’s own husband will be allowed entrance into the “Electeds of Color only” party considering he doesn’t tick all the right boxes:

So stupid, but this is who woke leftists are. Whites-only country clubs are offensive and racist, but electeds of color-only parties are okay, I guess, as long as they are cloaked in wokeness.

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