Red Cross Wags Fingers at Israeli Hostages’ Families, Chides ‘Think of the Palestinians’

The Red Cross used to be a humanitarian organization. Why the qualifier? The Red Cross, after all, went to the lengths of sending parcels to Nazi POW camps in the Second World War (although not to the concentration camps.) You’d think an organization like that would be pretty dedicated to helping people who need help, regardless of their politics or origins.

No longer, it seems, as today’s Red Cross is chiding the families of Israelis held hostage by Hamas terrorists, upbraiding them to “think of the Palestinians.”

Families of Israelis being held hostage by Hamas were reprimanded by representatives of the Red Cross in a recent meeting, with the Red Cross telling one family they need to “think about the Palestinian side,” KAN has reported.

Roni and Simona, the parents of Doron Steinbrecher who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from Kfar Azza on October 7, were invited to a meeting with the Red Cross this past week.

Doron needs a medication she takes daily and her parents thought that the Red Cross was finally willing to transfer the medication to her, but instead, they were sat down and reprimanded by representatives of the Red Cross.

“Think about the Palestinian side,” the representatives of the Red Cross told Simona, according to KAN. “It’s hard for the Palestinians, they’re being bombed.”

Oh, those poor Palestinians! Yes, we must think of all of the Palestinian families who had daughters gang-raped and butchered, children and infants deliberately murdered in their beds, and elderly people executed.

Wait, none of that has happened. Those actions were carried out by Hamas, in Israel, on October 7th.

The Red Cross, with this admonishment, appears to be drawing some moral equivalence where there can be none. It is damn near insanity to compare the actions of Hamas to the justified force used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in response, especially when one considers the lengths they are going to prevent civilian casualties, from dropping leaflets to using “roof-knocker” warning shots. It’s important to note that the Israelis are, in effect, letting their enemies know where they will strike next, increasing the danger of ambushes and other Hamas preparations ahead of their attacks, with the sole purpose of trying to get innocent Gazans out of the way. This is damn near unprecedented in the world of modern warfare.

At least the United States, so far, seems to have Israel’s back. And the Red Cross’s actions are drawing some international attention as well.

About three weeks after the attack, 1,200 lawyers across the world signed a letter written by the Israeli human rights group Shurat HaDin, condemning the Red Cross for not doing enough to help the hostages. The attorneys accused the organization of repeating the mistakes of indifference and inaction that it admitted to having made during the Holocaust.

Israeli families have suffered greatly and continue to do so. While the IDF appears to be making great inroads into Hamas-held territory in Gaza, and while Hamas is showing signs of collapse, the conflict continues. The Red Cross has lost a lot of “face” here. Their finger-wagging at grieving Israeli families is unconscionable, and any Americans, Israelis, or anyone who cares about civilization itself should avoid any further support of that organization until they retract these statements and return to their supposed mission of humanitarian support rather than support for terrorists.

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