Are D.C. Democrats Finally Ready to Throw Hunter Biden Under the Bus?

A funny thing is happening on the way to the 2024 presidential election. While Democrat lawmakers have spent virtually all of Joe Biden’s miserable presidency vociferously defending the president’s wayward son from a myriad of scandals, now at least one close friend of Hunter Biden believes that numerous Democrats in Congress are “betting on the political expediency of sacrificing Hunter.”

That is significant. 

Think about it. Why wouldn’t they, at this point? Joe is upside-down in every polling issue that matters. The House impeachment inquiry into the Biden Family Business is already bearing fruit, with Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Wednesday providing an update, saying the inquiry has already shown the corrupt conduct of the president’s family, and that he and White House officials have repeatedly lied about his knowledge and involvement in his family’s business activities. 

Two Democrats on Capitol Hill told Politico that the politics regarding Hunter are “fixed,” and that his new, nonsensical strategy to attempt to dictate to Congress the terms under which he would testify about his foreign business dealings would be “all risk, no reward.” One of his friends said:

Intentionally or not, they’re betting on the political expediency of sacrificing Hunter. The greater good is served by accountability and vindication, and not by acquiescence to political prosecution and the effort to dehumanize him.

An unnamed source added:

How does he possibly keep his head down? They have lifted his head above everyone else’s, and they’ve been trying to lop it off for four years.

Answer: He doesn’t. Hunter continues to be Hunter, and Joe continues to lie. It’s just that simple. 

The habitual cocaine user has been told by his apologists from the beginning to play nice with prosecutors, and hope to be exonerated. Yet? Like his idiot dad, he has in effect flipped his middle finger at all who’ve correctly called him out. He has ignored everything even remotely resembling a smart strategy, favored by innumerable D.C. Democrats — many of whom are now beyond tired of his crap.

Here’s more:

The president’s son is now under one indictment, is bracing for another, and has become the face of the Republican impeachment probe of his father. And now, he’s directly taking on his adversaries. 
Over the past three months, Hunter Biden has filed a barrage of lawsuits and has challenged his indictment on gun charges by attacking the prosecution as tainted by Republican pressure. He is even trying to subpoena Donald Trump.
Some aides worry, too, that Hunter Biden’s courtroom counterpunching only brightens the spotlight on his legal entanglements, foreign business activities, and personal struggle with drug addiction. For these aides, too much engagement with opponents […] risks legitimizing their most extreme attacks on the president’s family.

Among Biden advisers and Democratic Party operatives, there’s also growing concern about the potential political repercussions to Joe’s presidency from his son’s dealings, according to eight people close to Joe and Hunter. Most were granted anonymity to discuss the topic. 

One campaign aide said some White House staffers are “irritated that [Hunter’s] being more aggressive because he is not clearing the tactics and the strategy.”

The Bottom Line

Hunter Biden was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. He has leveraged his fawning dad’s support and political clout to the point that he’s believed he’s been above the law since Joe was in the Senate.

Throw in the dad’s unwavering defense, and now a growing belief within the Democrat Party that it’s beyond time to cut Hunter loose, and the drama’s only going to get more interesting. The question is, will Joe go down, too?

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