Another Record Was Just Broken Under the Biden Admin That No One Wanted Broken

U.S. Customs and Border Protection released their data update for October and once again the numbers show that the border crisis is anything but over. 

According to CBP, its agents encountered 240,988 illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico border in October, the most encounters for any October on record as Fox News Channel’s Bill Melugin noted.

The latest data from CBP also noted that there were 13 incidents in which border patrol detained individuals whose identities flagged on the FBI’s terror watch list in October, including one individual who crossed the U.S.-Canada border. 

The record-setting number for October is comprised of more than 185,000 illegal border crossings and nearly 45,000 illegal immigrants paroled via the CBP One app which has received serious scrutiny from lawmakers over what some say is the Biden administration’s “abuse” of the system to engage in the mass-release of illegal immigrants into the U.S.

As Townhall has previously reported, the House Homeland Security Committee recently obtained numbers for the use of the CBP One app showing 95.8 percent of “inadmissible aliens” were being released into the U.S. by CBP under the use of the application:

“Secretary Mayorkas has utterly abused the CBP One app in his quest for open borders,” remarked Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN). “These numbers are proof that Mayorkas’ operation is a smokescreen for the mass release of individuals into this country who would otherwise have zero claim to be admitted,” Green emphasized. “At a time when global tensions are rising, and our enemies are growing bolder, releasing tens of thousands of these people into our communities—especially when they have not received adequate, if any, vetting—is irresponsible. It shouldn’t take a subpoena threat from Congress to get these answers, but we are going to keep fighting for the truth,” Green pledged.

Nationwide, CBP reported 309,221 encounters with illegal immigrants for the month of October, significantly more than were encountered in the same month of previous fiscal years and more than three times more than were recorded in FY2021 when October saw just 90,585 illegal immigrant encounters. 

The continued — and record-setting — influx of illegal immigrants, including those paroled via the CBP One app continues to raise concerns about the national security risk created by the Biden administration’s open-border policies. Since Iran-backed Hamas terrorists launched their massacre against Israel on October 7, internal memos showed at least one CBP field office warning agents to be on the lookout for Hamas-inspired or connected terrorists seeking to exploit the border crisis to travel through or into the United States. 

As Townhall reported last month, a CBP bulletin warned:

San Diego Field Office Intelligence Unit (SDFO-FITU) assesses that individuals inspired by, or reacting to, the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt to travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border. 
Foreign fighters motivated by ideology or mercenary soldiers of fortune may attempt to obfuscate travel to or from the US to or from countries in the Middle East through Mexico.

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