Michigan’s Democrat AG Accidentally Exposes the Folly of Woke Coddling in Plea to Rashida Tlaib

As RedState previously reported, House Hamas Caucus Leader Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) said the quiet part out loud Friday with the release of what appeared to be a self-produced video in which she not only accused Joe Biden of supporting “the genocide of the Palestinian people” but also included a reference to the anti-Semitic “from the river to the sea” chant that was uttered/displayed during pro-Hamas demonstrations/riots in MichiganWashington, D.C. and elsewhere.

Though she tried in a follow-up tweet to gaslight people on the meaning behind “from the river to the sea,” no one was buying it. 


The video/tweets further inflamed tensions among Democrats who in between infighting are struggling to put the antisemitic genie back in the bottle in an effort to feign a united front on the issue of the Israel-Hamas war.

Among them was Michigan’s woke Attorney General Dana Nessel, a Jewish Democrat who on Twitter/X pleaded with Tlaib to “retract” her reference to “from the river to the sea,” while acting incredulous that someone who she admittedly had previously “defended… even when you have said the indefensible” would do it again:

“.@RashidaTlaib, I have supported and defended you countless times, even when you have said the indefensible, because I believed you to be a good person whose heart was in the right place. But this is so hurtful to so many. Please retract this cruel and hateful remark.”

Senate candidate and Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.), who is also Jewish, also delicately urged Tlaib to “apologize and retract” after noting that she (Slotkin) “was continuing “to reach out to Arab & Muslim constituents who I know are feeling fear and anguish right now”:

As the only Jewish member of MI’s congressional delegation, I have worked to reach out to Arab & Muslim constituents who I know are feeling fear and anguish right now, & I have tried to reflect that empathy in my approach to this crisis. I ask the same of @RepRashida. (1/3)
The phrase “from the river to the sea” is one of division & violence, & it is counterproductive to promoting peace. None of us, especially elected leaders, should amplify language that inflames a tense situation & makes it harder for our communities to find common ground. (2/3)
If I knew that a phrase I’d used had hurt any of my constituents, I would apologize & retract it, no matter its origin. I’d ask the same from you. (3/3)

The problem with all these Democratic attempts at engaging with Tlaib is that it comes way too late.

Tlaib was telling everyone who she really was well before she was elected to serve in Congress. And yet the coddling was in full effect among Democrats, especially those in Michigan who wanted to appear sufficiently woke in front of their constituents. Any criticisms of Tlaib over her antisemitic views were treated to accusations of “racism,” “sexism,” and “bigotry” from the same people who now want people to think Israel has no greater friend in government than them.

I mean, Nessel point-blank admitted she has defended Tlaib even when the things she’s said weren’t worth defending. So what gives now? Has the heat gotten too intense?

Slotkin, too, has been shameless regarding Tlaib. As an example, in the below undated clip, she describes appearing on stage after Tlaib to be tough considering Tlaib was “a bad a**”:

Watch how Slotkin played the phone call game when asked about her statement:

The bottom line here is that the time to call this hate out for what it is is sooner, not later, before these people have a chance to get into office, be further emboldened, and wreak havoc, not after when it’s much harder to get them out. Maybe consider the fact that critics might just have a point on these matters.

Also, when the hate reveals itself in no uncertain terms, as Tlaib did Friday, the condemnations from party members need to be a little more forceful than “Pretty please take it back, Rashida.” 

The fact that they still can’t do that at this stage in the game just further proves the point that absolutely no lessons will be learned from pro-Israel Democrats on this issue, which is something concerned voters will need to think long and hard about going into 2024.

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  1. Stop pleading and coddling the idiot
    This is OUR TAX DOLLARS at the fullest abuse ever
    She is abusing our CONSTITUTION for HER FREE SPEECH of HATRED
    AND thank you Michigan
    You really screwed us all!

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