Life Comes at Hakeem Jeffries Fast After Democrats Accuse Jim Jordan of ‘Election Denialism’

One of the weapons House Democrats have been trotting out of their arsenal to use against GOP House Speaker nominee Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) during the contentious debate surrounding his candidacy is that he’s an alleged election denier because he objected to the certification of the 2020 presidential election.

During a recent press conference held in front of the Capitol, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) was one of a number of Democrats to accuse Jordan of engaging in “peddling lies and conspiracy theories” to the American people regarding the 2020 election and other issues:

“House Republicans have selected as their nominee to be the speaker of the people’s House the chairman of the chaos caucus, a defender in a dangerous way of dysfunction, and an extremist extraordinaire,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Friday on the steps of the Capitol, flanked by dozen of Democratic lawmakers. “His focus has been on peddling lies and conspiracy theories and driving division amongst the American people.”
House Minority Whip Katherine Clark, D-Mass., labeled Jordan an “insurrectionist” and said he would be on a glide path to becoming speaker if not for the unified opposition of Democrats.\
“He was directly involved in the right-wing coup that sought to overturn the 2020 election,” she said, referring to Jordan and the 147 congressional Republicans who objected to certifying presidential election results on Jan. 6, 2021.

Though it’s becoming increasingly unlikely that Jordan will need any Democrat votes in his bid to win the Speakership (at last check, the vote was to be held Tuesday), Democrats nevertheless wanted to get out front on the issue to inform the American people that Republicans may soon put an alleged extremist in the most powerful position in the House.

But as is often the case with Democrats, there is always someone or something on standby to try and bury the skeletons in their own closets. Unfortunately for Hakeem Jeffries, though, his came out long ago.

As RedState reported at the time former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had effectively named him to be her successor, the list of Jeffries’ own election denialism claims – which he made throughout Donald Trump’s presidency – would fill an encyclopedia.

Let’s roll the tapes and share the screen grabs of Jeffries frequently referring to Trump as the “so-called president” and repeatedly alleging without evidence that there was a “cloud of illegitimacy… over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

As I’ve said before, there’s nothing wrong with questioning the results of an election. There’s nothing wrong with filing lawsuits if you think something is amiss. But what is wrong is for The Usual Suspects to try to con people into thinking that having doubts about your opponent’s victory and taking action either in Congress and/or by way of the court system is something new and confined only to Republicans and is somehow “unAmerican.”

Simply put, Jeffries is – by the Democrats’ very own inconvenient definition – a threat to democracy. An election denier who has routinely tried to delegitimize and undermine “our sacred institutions,” as Democrats have often referred to the courts and the democratic process.

And yet they put him in the House Minority Leader position, proving once again that when it comes to standards, they hold Republicans to one and themselves to none.

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