Video: Hezbollah Posts Footage of Rocket Attack on Israeli Military Outpost Which Killed 3 Soldiers

Hezbollah, a Lebanon-based militant group backed by Iran, has been getting more involved in Israel’s war with Hamas. The group recently claimed responsibility for an anti-tank guided missile attack on an Israel military post near the Lebanon border. It posted video footage of the attack online.

This development follows a murderous rampage carried out by Hamas operatives that has killed over 1,200 including 22 Americans.

Hezbollah is a political and military organization with deep ties to the Iranian regime. It has a long and storied history of conflict with Israel and has been designated as a terrorist organization by many countries around the world. It has carried out a number of deadly attacks across the globe. According to the group, the recent attack was retaliation for the deaths of three of its members.

The Hezbollah terror group claims responsibility for the anti-tank guided missile attack on an Israeli army post on the Lebanon border.
In a statement, Hezbollah says the attack was a response to the deaths of three members in Israeli strikes on Monday, which came in response to deadly clashes on the border.
Hezbollah claims it caused “a large number of confirmed casualties”  in the missile attack.

This incident is the latest in a series of clashes between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Hezbollah operatives. Earlier this week, it was reported that the terrorist group opened up a new front in the war against Israel, which is particularly concerning given that the IDF is already locked in a bloody fight against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Israel struck Iran-backed Hezbollah positions in Lebanon on Sunday in response to rocket and mortar attacks on its northern border in the second day of fending off Islamist militants.
UN peacekeepers on Sunday said they detected several rockets fired from southeast Lebanon toward Israeli-occupied territory and artillery fire from Israel to Lebanon in response.
“We are in contact with authorities on both sides of the Blue Line, at all levels, to contain the situation and avoid a more serious escalation,” officials with the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said. “We urge everyone to exercise restrain and make use of UNIFIL’s liaison and coordination mechanisms to de-escalate and prevent a fast deterioration of the security situation.”

Further complicating matters is that Hezbollah fighters have taken to using paragliders to carry out attacks on Israel, mimicking tactics used by Hamas in the south during its initial assault. The Red Alert system, an app used in Israel to pinpoint and warn users of impending rocket attacks shows dozens of markers around Haifa, which is located in the northern part of Israel.

So far, Israel and Hezbollah have engaged in smaller skirmishes along its border with Lebanon. The most intense fighting is still happening near the Gaza Strip with Hamas. However, if Hezbollah begins ramping up its efforts, it could pose a strategic threat to the IDF, which is currently occupied with Hamas.

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