NEW: FBI and DOJ Officials Colluded With the NYTs to Launder False Information to David Weiss

In yet another example of how corrupt the FBI is, an exclusive report from Margot Cleveland over at The Federalist has exposed how the bureau laundered lies about Biden family corruption directly to David Weiss’ office. 

The revelation comes from emails obtained by The Heritage Foundation through a Freedom of Information Act request. The contents contain proof that the FBI fed lies about the origins of the now infamous FD-1023 form implicating the Biden family in a bribery scheme to The New York Times. The FBI Office of Public Affairs National Press Office then forwarded the Times’ false reporting to various officials surrounding Weiss, who then passed it on directly on to him.

“Ladies, here you have attached the NYT’s story ‘Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden’ which posted a bit ago. Link here,” a Dec. 11, 2020, 6:44 p.m. email from the FBI Office of Public Affairs’ National Press Office read.
The names of the two email recipients were redacted. But the “(PG) (FBI)” and “(BA) (FBI)” coding suggests the National Press Office had forwarded the Times’ article, which spun evidence obtained by the Pittsburgh office as originating from Giuliani disinformation, to the Pittsburgh FBI office and the Baltimore FBI office — which provided support for the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office.
Within two hours of the FBI’s National Press Office sharing the false narrative about evidence of Biden family corruption, the link had been forwarded to a variety of Baltimore FBI agents, from there to Weiss’s top deputies Lesley Wolf and Shawn Weede, and further on by Weede to fellow Assistant U.S. Attorney Shannon Hanson and Weiss. Weiss himself then forwarded the Times article to another member of the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office, whose name was redacted in the FOIA-provided documents.

The Times story, which was published in December 2020, alleged that Rudy Giuliani was the source of the allegations against Joe and Hunter Biden. In reality, a confidential human source had provided the sourcing for an FD-1023 with no involvement from Giuliani. 

Further, one of the officials who forwarded the false reporting to Weiss was Delaware U.S. Assistant Attorney Lesley Wolf. What makes that so damning is that Wolf was present for the original briefing on the FD-1023 form. In other words, she knew the Times report about its origins was not true, yet she sent the article to Weiss anyway. 

A source familiar with the Pittsburgh brief of the Delaware office confirmed to The Federalist that in addition to agents from the Pittsburgh and Baltimore FBI field offices, Lesley Wolf attended the briefing on the FD-1023 and was informed of those details. Weiss, however, was not present for the briefing. Nor, as we previously learned, were the IRS agents-turned-whistleblowers included in the briefing. 
The Federalist has also learned from a source with knowledge of the matter that the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office kept the Hunter Biden laptop secret from the Pennsylvania-based U.S. attorney’s office, which surely limited the investigators’ ability to assess the credibility of the evidence it was screening for disinformation.
Nonetheless, through its independent investigation of the CHS’s reporting, Pittsburgh corroborated several details of the FD-1023 and briefed Wolf on those details, telling her they believed the CHS’s information warranted further investigation.

Wolf would then go on to spearhead an attempt to give Hunter Biden a sweetheart plea deal that included broad immunity, possibly in an attempt to protect the president and his son from any more questions surrounding the FD-1023. 

Putting this all together, it appears that facets of the FBI and the DOJ were very keen on burying anything to do with the FD-1023, up to and including spreading falsehoods to the Times about it so those falsehoods could then be sent inconspicuously to Weiss. As Cleveland asks in her piece, what did Weiss know and when? I’m also especially interested in finding out more about Wolf’s involvement, given she keeps finding herself at the center of this scandal. We need those answers to gauge her involvement in what appears to be a massive cover-up with the direct intent to protect the Biden family. 

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