Liberals Lose Their Minds After Guy Fieri Meets With Donald Trump at UFC

Former President Donald Trump lit up UFC 290 in Las Vegas with a surprise visit to cheers as he entered the arena with UFC legend Dana White. As we reported, Trump striding in, high-fiving the fans, was electric. It was quite the comparison to Joe Biden on the same day showing his age and shuffling forward at the beach. I reported on Biden’s physical issue, but what was also striking was how no one tried to even interact with him, or even look at him, or even looked like they were interested.

I noted how Trump met with Joe Rogan there with a handshake that was something to see and that was likely to cause the left a meltdown. He also met Mel Gibson. But it turned out that they had a bigger meltdown over another person that he was seen with at the fight — Food Network’s Guy Fieri. Pictures showed them having what appeared to be a friendly meeting. While folks on the right loved that, folks on the left were enraged at Fieri.

Folks on the right loved it. But folks on the left were enraged that he would even talk to him.

Some even called for a boycott of the “Flavortown” star for the crime of greeting Trump and having his shows taken off the air. They even flagged this to the Food Network in tweets.

Talk about an unhinged reaction. They seem to forget that they are surrounded by millions of their neighbors whom they see (and greet) every day who voted for Trump and support his policies, including people they may see on television. How silly if you say you like his shows but then want to dump all over him for meeting Trump? They immediately want to cancel him now, even if they loved him before. He’s evil now, simply by association. But what it’s about is that they really can’t take anyone rejecting their narrative, they want full compliance. Or else.

Psst, folks on the left? You’re wrong about policies, you’re wrong about Trump, and you’re wrong on Fieri. Oh, and Fieri is a pretty nice guy, too.

You might have noticed Guy Fieri seems to do a lot of nice things for other people. When parts of California have struggled to contain wildfires, Fieri rolls up and quietly starts preparing and serving meals to exhausted firefighters and first responders. Last week, he tweeted that he bought his parents a new car because they’d “always supported [him] in [his]adventures.” And on top of all that, he partnered with the National Restaurant Association to launch the Restaurant Employee Relief Fund (RERF), which has raised close to $25 million for restaurant workers that have been struggling financially due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
“You know, so many people work in the restaurant industry in multiple jobs, second jobs, single moms, single parents, students, retirees. And the restaurant industry is massively important to our communities,” Fieri told CBS News. “And so, when I saw this coming, I said, ‘We got to do something to get some money to these folks.”

Maybe Fieri likes Trump, maybe he prefers his policies. That would show he had some sense. But whether he does or doesn’t, it’s silly to want to cancel him. Once upon a time people actually talked and met with the neighbors of different political persuasions. But this is where some on the left have brought us with how extreme they have become. And chances that this temper tantrum could have any effect on Fieri’s standing at the Food Network? Zero to none.

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