‘ZERO Chance’: Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Blows Hole in ‘Visitor’ Theory as #CocaineGate Rages On

As RedState previously reported, while millions of Americans were busy partaking in July 4th weekend holiday festivities and Joe Biden was making a complete mess of things during public appearances, a “white powdery substance” later confirmed to be cocaine was found by the Secret Service Sunday in the West Wing of the White House, prompting a brief evacuation as D.C. emergency medical officials worked to determine what it was.

Since that time, a number of theories have been floated as to who could have brought the illegal drug baggie into the Biden White House, with conservatives speculating that it was likely President Biden’s son Hunter Biden, who has been staying very close by his dad in recent weeks as the legal woes pile up and has also battled addiction to drugs like cocaine.

Another theory, pushed by the Very Online Left community of hacktivists, is that it was left there by Donald Trump Jr., who hasn’t been at the White House since January 2021.

The “official” theory from Joe Biden’s handlers in the White House and their apologists in the mainstream media revolves around suggesting that either a) it is “unlikely” we will ever know how it got there and by who and/or b) the best they can give us is that it may have been a tourist/visitor who slipped it past security.

It was the latter speculation that got the attention of conservative commentator Dan Bongino, who was a Secret Service agent during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama years (1999-2011) and who absolutely has an inside track on how White House security operates from top to bottom.

On the Twitter machine Wednesday, Bongino blew a hole in the “tourist/visitor” theory by observing that there was “ZERO chance” someone other than a family member got the cocaine baggie past the security checkpoint:

Bongino further expanded on his point in response to a critic, noting that the security checkpoints at the White House are incredibly thorough and intrusive (for good reason):

Though the story of where it was allegedly found conveniently keeps evolving, one thing that’s pretty much a given is that at some point down the line we’re likely going to see a Secret Service agent take the fall as part of a calculated campaign to purposely expand the cloud of confusion around what happened in an effort to make the story go away ahead of 2024:

As always, stay tuned.

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