Hunter Biden Finally Forced to Give Answers About His Finances in Deposition in Child Support Case

Hunter Biden was finally forced to provide answers in a deposition about his finances in the child support case about his four-year-old daughter, Navy Joan Roberts.

Biden brought the case, claiming that he could no longer afford to pay the $20,000 per month he agreed to pay in child support in 2020. He alleged things like when he went to Ireland with his father, he had to sleep on a cot in Joe’s hotel room , and that his car was repossessed. His attorneys claim he’s unemployed and has no monthly income. Yet he lives in a mansion in the Los Angeles area.

The attorneys for Lunden Roberts, the mother of his daughter, accused Biden of stalling and refusing to turn over all the information so that no one could figure out his finances. They even moved to have him held in contempt for failing to turn over information to the court. That matter is scheduled to be heard on July 10. If he’s found guilty, he could be jailed (although that’s probably unlikely) or forced to pay $20,000 in legal fees.

“Mr. Biden does not want to disclose his income and assets, says that he is somewhat financially destitute, while he lives on a mountain overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu, has Secret Service protection, and enjoys his time abroad (which he has also lied about in discovery),” Roberts’ lawyer Clinton Lancaster wrote in a court filing last month.

However, the judge has shown that she was not happy with the information that the Biden team provided. She said, “The ability to redact is somewhat being abused,” before ordering the first son’s team to refile some of the financials.

On Friday, Hunter finally was questioned under oath in Little Rock, Arkansas. He flew in on a private plane estimated to cost between $55,000 and $117,000 — not exactly looking particularly destitute there and not helping himself — and rode up in a five-car motorcade.

But he faced a surprise he was likely not expecting — Lunden Roberts was in attendance at the deposition, putting him on the spot.

In an exclusive report by the Daily Mail, a source told the publication, “Attending Hunter’s deposition would have been a strategic choice and perhaps a head game. And why not? It’s harder for most people to be untruthful about a person in their presence.”

Roberts’ discovery request covers everything from Hunter’s business deals in Ukraine and China to the names of who is buying his art, which is reportedly priced for up to $500,000. So, this could plumb some very interesting information and hold him to account.

She also wants to have Navy get the Biden name, claiming her daughter would “benefit” from carrying a family name “now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful.” I’m not sure I agree with her on the meaning of the Biden name; between Joe and Hunter, they’ve pretty much trashed the name. But Hunter is fighting his daughter having his name, which just shows how a horrible human being acts. Allegedly, he didn’t even want to see a picture of his daughter.

His family has taken this posture as well. To the Biden family, she’s a non-entity who never gets mentioned when Joe Biden talks about his grandchildren; Navy gets no stocking in the Biden home at Christmas.

Hunter is still being investigated by the U.S. Attorney in Delaware, and Congress is looking into the Biden family’s financial dealings. Rep. James Comer has said that he has more bank records coming in showing the Biden family got between $20 – $30 million from foreign nationals, and it might be even more. On top of that, Hunter’s former business associate Devon Archer is also arranging to talk to the House Oversight Committee about what he knows, and he has a wealth of knowledge.

The thing about all this is in Hunter Biden’s effort to reduce the payments, he may have exposed himself to more damaging information coming out. He may find it would have been better to keep paying the $20,000 per month. He wants to be tough, but it may cost him big time.

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