Poll: Support for Black Lives Matter Movement Lowest Since 2020

American support for the Black Lives Matter movement has reached its lowest point since 2020, according to a poll released Wednesday.

The Pew Research Center survey found about 51 percent of U.S. adults support the Black Lives Matter movement, a full six-point drop from last year when 56 percent supported it. Per The Hill:

Two-thirds of U.S. adults said they supported the movement following Floyd’s death in 2020, according to a Pew analysis of the 5,073-person survey.
Opinions on the movement vary by race, age and political leaning.
Black adults are the most likely to back the movement. According to the survey, 81 percent of Black adults in the U.S. support the Black Lives Matter movement, while 63 percent of Asian adults, 61 percent of Hispanic adults and 42 percent of white adults support it.

Younger adults were more likely to support the movement while white adults were more likely to find the movement “divisive” or “dangerous.”

Roughly 64 percent between the ages of 18 to 29 support the movement while just 52 percent of 30 to 49-year-olds support it. The number goes down to 46 percent among 50 to 64-year-olds and down to its lowest of 41 percent for seniors 65 and older.

Support for the movement also breaks down along party lines, with Democrats being more in favor of it.

As Breitbart News reported, Black Lives Matter “had an $8.5 million deficit, and its investment accounts lost nearly $10 million in value, according to 2022 tax records.”

“The non-profit has blown through 2 ⁄ 3 of $90 million raised since the summer of 2020 following the death of George Floyd,” said the report. “The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s (BLMGNF) most recent filing of Form 990 paints a grim picture of BLMGNF’s financial health, indicating a trajectory toward financial insolvency. In 2022, the charity logged a $961,000 loss on a security sale of $172,000.”

In May of last year, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors admitted to using the group’s $6 million property to host private parties after she had previously resigned from the organization amid scrutiny over her spending of charitable funds. As Breitbart News reported at the time:

One of those events took place in January 2021, where she apparently sought “refuge at the property amid threats on her life.” However, at that time, she chose to host an inauguration party celebrating the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, along with roughly 15 people, “including BLM Los Angeles chapter members and other prominent movement supporters,” according to the AP. 
Two months later, Cullors threw her son a birthday party at the BLM property, but she told the outlet “she intended to pay a rental fee to the foundation.”

Tax documents filed with the IRS also showed that Cullors would spend lavish funds for her brother and child’s father to perform various services.

File/Patrisse Cullors is one of the three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement. She participated in a march in Hollywood, CA on Sunday June 7, 2020.  (Francine Orr/ Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

“The tax documents as seen by numerous media outlets reveal BLM paid a company owned by Damon Turner, the father of Cullors’ child, nearly $970,000 to help “produce live events” and provide other “creative services,’” noted Breitbart News.

Paul Roland Bois joined Breitbart News in 2021. He also directed the award-winning feature film, EXEMPLUM, which can be viewed on TubiGoogle PlayYouTube Movies, or Vimeo on Demand. Follow him on Twitter @prolandfilms or Instagram @prolandfilms

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  1. I grew up in Southern California in the 50’s – in 1968 I went into the US Navy getting ready to go to Vietnam.

    I had Boot Camp in San Diego, CA 1968
    I had my Military Training/Electronics School/Naval Air School in Memphis TN 1968-1969
    I was stationed at Miramar Naval Air Station in San Diego 1969-1972
    Two tours to Vietnam 1969-1971
    Back to California State University Long Beach graduating in 1976
    After College and Law School moved to the Raleigh NC area in 1992
    Find the South to be very nice, friendly, no racism here – everyone gets along and it is an insignificant issue with only a few BLM folks trying to make it happen for their own profit!

    Up til 1972 I never had any negative experience with RACE. Everyone was ALWAYS equal. I was in CA during the Watts Riots and had no clue what that was about???? Since then I have not noticed any significant amount of racism except by groups like the BLM!

    In school, college and the US Navy I never experienced any racial issues. We ALWAYS had each other’s backs in the military and it was never questioned. All together doing our jobs and enjoying the free time we had together as a group of soldiers/sailors without regard to color, religion, beliefs. We all were social with each other and all of our families.

    So what happened? BLM, a racist hate group, started touting their false narrative in order to cause chaos and make a lot of money. They never were designed to help African Americans, they were just out for themselves, taking advantage or their created problems (which really never existed)! They are just radical felons wanting to steal your money and cause a scene and damage doing it.

    So let’s lock up all the BLM felons, take their assets and put them into a trust fund to help all poor Americans regardless of race, color, religion, country of origin and make America Great Again.

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