Joe Biden’s HHS Encouraging Vaccinated Americans To Enroll In After Vaccine Health Checker

The President’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is encouraging Americans who have been vaccinated to sign up for “v-safe,” an optional “after-vaccine health checker” that allows them to report their feelings post-jab.

“After you have received your #COVID19 booster shots, make sure you use vsafe to receive your confidential and personalized text message check-ins,” Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine (born Robert Levine) said Tuesday.

“Learn more about v-safe and sign up if you haven’t already:,” he added.

Biden officials have promoted the little-known after-vaccine checker. It lets individuals enroll in health check-ins via text messages and web survey so that you can quickly and easily tell CDC what you or your dependent feel about getting a COVID-19 vaccination.

“This information allows CDC to monitor the safety COVID-19 vaccines almost real-time,” states the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), despite the fact that vaccines were initially sold as safe and effective.

Parents are encouraged to enroll their vaccinated dependents in the self-reporting monitoring program by the CDC.

“V-safe will send you text messages every day for the first week following each vaccination to check how you feel. The CDC states that you will continue to receive periodic health checks-ins.

“Depending on the answers to your questions, someone from CDC might call you to obtain more information. Your information in vsafe is secure so it’s private and safe*. Federal health agency assures that you can always opt out.

The CDC states that 65.1 percent of all Americans are fully vaccinated.

The post Joe Biden’s HHS Encouraging Vaccinated Americans To Enroll In After Vaccine Health Checker appeared first on Conservative Research Group.

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