Two-Tiered Justice: Paul Pelosi Attacker David DePape Gets 30 Years; Other CA Victims Wait for Justice

David DePape, the illegal alien who in October 2022, entered the Napa Valley home of CA Rep. and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and bludgeoned Pelosi’s husband Paul with a hammer, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison

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Capitol Police Surveillance Video Shows How DePape Got Into the Pelosi Home
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Justice has been done, although the sentence given to DePape seems unduly harsh (the prosecution wanted 40 years), particularly since DePape is severely mentally ill. It is also fortunate that after surgery and hospitalization, Paul Pelosi is doing well and was able to testify at the trial. 

Paul Pelosi Attacker David DePape on Trial: Defense Claims Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Official Duties’ Not a Factor
BREAKING: David DePape Found Guilty of Multiple Charges for Attacking Paul Pelosi With Hammer
Paul Pelosi Takes the Stand, Describes Horror Night When He Was Attacked by Hammer-Wielding David DePape

No one should be violently attacked, let alone in their own home.

I cannot help but think about the other victims of crime in California who are not only still awaiting justice, but still suffering the aftereffects from their attackers or grieving over the unconscionable loss of a loved one. District attorneys like Alameda County’s Pamela Price and Los Angeles County’s George Gascón have made a cottage industry out of soft sentences for violent felons and repeat offenders. The majority of crime victims have neither the name recognition nor the resources of the Pelosis, so our two-tiered justice system is glaringly obvious here. The advantage always belongs to the well-positioned, well-connected, and well-heeled. This last bit of information on DePape also casts a glaring light on how the illegal criminals flooding our border are handled… or not. 

The Department of Homeland Security, in November of 2022, confirmed that DePape had been in the United States illegally following allegations that had come from Canada and had overstayed his visa.

Maybe we should make David DePape and the Pelosi attack a display of the harms of illegal immigration rather than Jose Ibarra, the Venezuelan illegal who was released into the country to rape and murder Laken Riley. That will get better action than we are currently getting on the mess at the southern border.

California Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) plans to force a vote on the floor for AB2641, which seeks to end California’s sanctuary protections and require law enforcement to comply with ICE to detain, transfer, or notify the agency of the release of someone convicted of sex crimes against a minor. 

Angel Mom and 2020 U.S. Congressional candidate Agnes Gibboney is a legal immigrant whose own son was murdered by an illegal alien in the family’s California driveway. She speaks against California’s sanctuary state policies and said, “They’re just protecting a certain class of people… and that is a disgrace.” 

The DePape trial, conviction, and sentencing clearly reflects that the average Californian, and the average American are not among those classes of people they wish to protect, let alone to provide justice.

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