GOP Rep. Stewart: Officials ‘Don’t Know’ if Balloon Got Sensitive Info Despite Their Claims It Didn’t

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) stated that we have no idea what information China got from the spy balloon, officials haven’t given any follow-up to their claims that no sensitive information obtained by the balloon, and officials “just don’t know” whether that’s the case.

Co-host Bianna Golodryga asked, “Officials also say that they’re confident that the balloon didn’t get any sensitive data on U.S. nuclear sites. But they also weren’t able to provide any specifics as to what information the balloon did glean. What do you make of that, and do you get a sense that you will get some of that information?”

Stewart responded, “I think we will get some. And so, there [are] actually two questions there, to the first one, they’re confident that they didn’t get sensitive information. We don’t know that at all. I mean, as you know, this thing hovered or loitered for quite a while over one of our missile fields and we just don’t know what information they gleaned or what information they were able to transmit. They’ve also said –.”

Golodryga then cut in to ask, “So, did they provide any follow-up as to that claim that there was no sensitive information that the balloon got?”

Stewart answered, “No, not at all. And they just don’t know that yet…and we may never know what information they were able to glean from that.”

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