Blue City Blues: Workers in ‘Oldest Profession’ Operate Openly Across From 2 NYC Elementary Schools

Lately, it seems scarcely a day goes by without us being slapped in the face with another example of the deterioration of our major cities. The latest outrage? In Queens, New York in a place called the Roosevelt Avenue Corridor, a brothel known as one of the “Market of Sweethearts” operations is operating openly – across the street from two elementary schools, PS 19 and PS 307. Authorities suspect the brothel is run by the notorious Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua.

No police coming, Maria Gonzales notes. Could that be because of the years of hostility towards the NYPD from the municipal government? 

The practitioners of the Oldest Profession aren’t the only issue.

That all would help – but New York in general needs a much more fundamental reform than this. Both the city and the state need to make one major change of trajectory.

See Related: Thanks, Biden-Harris—Cops Estimate Up to 75 Percent of Manhattan Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants 

The Plot Thickens: NYPD Commissioner Resigns Amid Corruption Probe, Mayor Adams Names Replacement

That change? Dump the whole “sanctuary city” nonsense. Start working with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to locate, arrest, and deport the people who are in the city and state of New York and the United States illegally. Make these brazen criminals fear capture and a one-way ticket back to Caracas. So Venezuela says they won’t take them back? Fine. Give them each a one-way ticket to Caracas and put a U.S. Marshal on each flight to make sure they get off at the far end – and stay off. Venezuela has no leverage to dictate terms to the United States of America; these illegal immigrants by rights belong in Venezuela, and that’s where we should be sending them. If Señor Maduro doesn’t like it, the United States should tell him to eat it.

We’re the United States of America, dammit. Some pipsqueak like Maduro has no business telling us he refuses to take back his own people, people who are in our country illegally and who are causing trouble. One way or another, the message needs to be sent to Maduro that “…you damn well will take them back, one way or another, and there’s an end to it.”

But that would take a change in voting habits by the people of Queens, and of the entire state of New York. And I think we are all sadly aware of how likely that is. And what’s more, I think we are also sadly aware that Kamala Harris won’t confront Maduro on this, or anything else.

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