Surprise! Nation’s Capital Ranked As Least Desirable Place to Live in the Entire US of A

We already know that Americans are fleeing blue states and cities in droves and searching for greener pastures in places like Texas, Tennessee, Utah, and Idaho. We also know that in 2020, California saw its first net population decline since 1850 as residents flee high taxes, woke dictates, and exploding crime. We regularly read about formerly great cities like Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, and Portland descending into chaos and blight.

But where’s the absolute worst place to live in the United States? Turns out, according to surveys, it’s the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. It’s not just the “Swamp,” duplicitous politicians, and crazy Nancy Pelosi that make it such an unappealing place to reside, it’s high taxes, crime, the “migrant crisis,” and the excessive cost of merely surviving that make it such a no-fun zone.

The numbers are in, and they are not kind:

A new study found that for the second year in a row, Washington, D.C., is the least desirable place to live in the U.S., with 33% of the participants who took part in the survey ranking it among the top five worst cities in America.
The company behind the poll, Clever, surveyed 1,000 people in June then looked at migration data from the most recent U.S. Census to understand why the nation’s capital has become America’s least desirable city to live in.
This year, 33% of Americans said the District of Columbia is one of the top five worst cities to live in, which is up from 2023, when 20% of Americans held the same opinion.
Clever said politics aside, D.C. is one of the most expensive cities in the country, and 65% of Americans say the excessive cost of living makes a place undesirable.

The survey showed that New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco also made the top 10 list of nasty places to live, while Tampa, Florida, was ranked as the best, and Charlotte, North Carolina, and Virginia Beach, Virginia, earned high marks as well.

Related: ‘Best and Worst States for Retiring Americans’—Are They Really, Though?

This third-generation Washingtonian says having his bar broken into five times and his family threatened on the streets helped him make the decision to get the heck out of D.C., but he fears a Harris/Walz administration would turn the entire country into a version of the Swamp.

He warns that Harris and her far-left running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who loves draconian COVID policies, riots, and “transitioning” for minors, will inflict their destructive agenda upon us all and turn the rest of the nation into the District of Columbia:

D.C. should be a big flashing warning sign to others in the country that if you want D.C. to be what our nation is gonna look like, vote for Kamala and Walz. I mean, you know what they’re gonna do, that liberal agenda, that’s gonna proliferate throughout this country, and they’re gonna bring this country to their knees. 
I mean, [Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel] Bowser’s a crony of theirs, right? She mimics them, she follows in their policies. It’s going to be prolifically pushed across the United States. 
So if we want D.C. to turn into the United States being the least desirable place to live, then vote for Kamala and Walz. 

I mean, that’s the simple answer.

You’re preaching to the choir, friend. I live in California, and I’ve seen first-hand how progressive (socialist) policies can turn a prosperous, wonderful place to live into a hellhole in an incredibly short period of time. But just how embarrassing is that of all the cruddy places to make home, the seat of our republic is at the top of the list? 


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