Pelosi Has a Major Brain Break Live on Air, Makes Damning Admission About Effort to Shove Biden Aside

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) isn’t doing well when it comes to talking with the media about Joe Biden and the plot to shove him out of the race for the Democratic nomination for president. 

As we reported she denied with a creepy smile that she had made “one call” to push him out. She even said that he was at the “top of his game” and should be added to Mount Rushmore, something no one would say about Biden, unless maybe that was part of the deal to keep praising him for his legacy, if he agreed to step aside. Even CBS’ Lesley Stahl found that a hard one to swallow. 

People had fun with it. 

If he was all those things, then why did the Democrats shove him to the side? 


WATCH: Pelosi’s Creepy, Slimy Response When Asked About Leading Plot to Shove Out Biden

However, Pelosi wasn’t quite done yet in talking about the effort to shove Biden to the side. She essentially made a damning admission she was “asking for a campaign that would win,” she said to ABC.  “And I wasn’t seeing that on the horizon.” So there is is, it was all about the fact that they knew he was going to lose and they were trying to improve their hopes. They didn’t care if he was senile. If he were doing well in the polls and senile, I have no doubt he’d still be in the race. 

But it sounds like there may still be issues between Pelosi and Biden. That tends to happen when you throw him under a bus.

But when asked if everything was “OK” with their relationship on CNN Monday, Pelosi didn’t give a direct answer. 
“You’d have to ask him, but I hope so,” Pelosi said. “Look, I love Joe Biden, respected him for over 40 years.”

I’d love to see a reporter ask Joe that question and watch the reaction on his face. 

But it would be good if they’re on bad terms and that might inhibit the damage that they could collectively do. 

She might also need to deal with the antisemitism in her party, which people are talking about more right now after the rejection of Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as the VP running mate for Kamala Harris. Even she said she “certainly hoped” there was no antisemitism entering into that decision before the choice.

Looks like Kamala caved to the antisemites and/or was just too anxious to get the radical left. 

But Pelosi showed even though she may be on questionable footing with Joe Biden, she still had something in common with him. Pelosi also had a bad brain break moment during that interview. I think she was trying to list achievements of Biden, but that went south. 

Imagine this person shoving Biden aside. These are the kind of people we have in charge of our government, now pushing Kamala Harris on us, telling us how wonderful she is, just like they’re telling us Joe Biden is on “top of his game.” 

Add one more reason to reject these people out of hand.  

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