2024: Why Women Matter

Women will help decide the greatest electoral debate of modern times. And great eagerness has been placed on how they will decide and who they will pick.

The influence is irrefutable and both campaigns have targeted them with specific messaging.

The media for its part seems to believe that they can be manipulated into becoming a one dimensional monolith serving a single self-centered motive. This even as their lives continually point to the fact that they do not live in a self-centered vacuum. 

For these reasons many women have told me personally that strictly as a woman they cannot suffer the idea that Kamala Harris even has a shot at becoming President of the United States. “We deserve someone better,” they say, “especially for the first one.”

Seeing four years ago that they would play an enormous role deciding this election, and sensing that media would not provide a wide swath of diverse perspectives I issued the orders to my team: every show, every day, every where we speak to women and get their perspective on the record.

We’ve spoken to titans of industry Linda McMahonand Hilary Kramer who know what it means to have a fair marketplace. We have gained insight from women who even though they are busy moms like Karol Markowicz and Bethany Mandel raising kids they took on Biden/Harris’ blatant anti-woman and anti-family agenda.  We have benefitted from the seasoned perspective of women who have served their nation’s presidents like KT McFarland. We have listened to stories from competitors like Paula Scanlon and the heartbreaking outcomes of Harris’ policies as she has back strategies to injure and traumatize women. We have created space for Kelsey Bolar to tell stories about women who need, even as they are paying society for crimes they’ve committed, not to be further victimized by the dangerous and perverse simply because they are imprisoned. We’ve admired tenacious women who though they have lost out on their dreams like Payton McNabb, they have stood up and fought back! Women like Nicole Parker who have fought terrorists at home and abroad. Women like Jennifer Horn and Katharine Gorka that have teamed up to make their experiences in life available for others to learn from and walk through life with. We’ve watched and encouraged as the daughter (by marriage) to a President like Lara Trump have said, “Not on my watch,” and revolutionized early voting. And we’ve cheered on single moms like Jacqueline Toboroff who with all the fight they can muster in a deep blue city fight like mad for the sanity of the world around them. We’ve supported their terms in office even as they’ve grown from city council, to state rep to Congress like Nicole Malliotakis. And in this election cycle we are fighting to get even more of them elected like Mary Jo Guinchard! Whether they are working to prevent the black family ravaged by horrible public policy like Patrice Onwuka, arguing for sane policy surrounding immigration and migrants like Gloria Garcés, or relay the pitfalls of rural poverty and abuse like Carrie Sheffield, we believe they have important perspective and that they deserve to be heard. 

Team Kamala refuses to listen to any of them: black, brown, or white, she doesn’t have the time.

She also insists that women only care primarily about their desire to kill offspring in their womb. She amplifies circumstances under which less than .003 percent of abortions occur and make it sound like every woman is in danger of dying if they don’t do it. 

But she never spoke out against the actual brutality of the women taken captive on October 7th, many of which are still in captivity—including some American women.

Brooke Goldstein, Melissa Jane Kronfeld, Gloria Garcés, Karol Markowicz and Bethany Mandel continue to do speak out however.

I’m sorry but Beyonce flying in to Texas to show trumped up support for a “nominee” who was never voted for just doesn’t seem to cut it when it comes to Kamala Harris “getting” todays woman. After all her administration famously produced the only Supreme Court Justice in history who was unable to define what a woman is. 

We’ve included the links in the column so that you can use this and all the conversation listed above to get a sense and understand what women in America today actually think, study, know and believe. 

We do so in these final ten days of this election in an all out effort to alert everyone that women matter, and they aren’t all as vapid as the one attempting to secure the presidency under such false and insincere pretenses. 

I love women. Their beauty, grace, wisdom and goodness have permeated my life. And because of the deep gratitude I hold for them, I agree with them, when we celebrate the first woman becoming President we will deserve much better than the one asking for the job now.

And I pray we get one worthy of that calling!

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