NEW: YouGov Poll: Taylor Swift Endorsement Turns More Voters AWAY From Kamala Harris Than Toward Her

Following last Thursday’s presidential debate, Taylor Swift took to Instagram to tell her 284 million followers that she will be casting her presidential vote for Kamala Harris. I know— shocking.

Swift wrote, in part:

While there’s zero wrong with Swift announcing who she’ll support, the question is whether celebrity endorsements matter. Welp, according to the results of a new poll released on Saturday, Swift’s announcement does matter — just not the way she and Kamala Harris think it will.

The YouGov poll found that 8 percent of voters said Swift’s endorsement is “somewhat” or “much more likely” to convince them to cast their ballot for Harris, but 20 percentsaid they are “somewhat” or “much less likely” to vote for Harris after Swift announced her choice. And even more telling, 66 percent of respondents said Swift’s endorsement made zero difference on how they will vote in November.

Here’s more:

The YouGov poll results are clear. While the “Swifties” go ga-ga over the mediocre (at best) singer, they clearly don’t view her as a political guru. 


Taylor Swift’s Post-Debate Endorsement of Kamala Is Telling About the Democrats’ Confidence

Why Should We Care What Celebrities Think?

Victor Davis Hanson Lays Out 15 ‘Rules for Radicals’ He Says Will Get Kamala Harris Elected

In other, Saturday Kamala Harris news, as my colleague Bob Hoge reported, even CNN’s Daniel Dale called out the Harris campaign for lying in its social media posts.  Hoge wrote:

That’s almost tantamount to a “flying pigs alert.” 


Even CNN’s Daniel Dale Has to Call Out Kamala Harris Campaign’s Lying Social Media Posts

The Bottom Line

While I think Taylor Swift is reaching the over-saturation point with the majority of Americans who aren’t Swifties, that ship has already sailed with most Americans–who don’t buy Kamala Harris’ lies.

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  1. Swift doesn’t buy my gas, pay the utilities, pay the mortage, pay the car insurance (up almost 15%) or buy my groceries.

    I really think that anyone follwing this rich bitche”s recomendations is a complete idiot.

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