Brooklyn Authorities Stand Helpless, As One Neighborhood Terrorized by Squatters, Junkies, and Illegals

It’s not just in Aurora, Colorado. Now we see that a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, has been rendered uninhabitable by a group of squatters who have taken over an empty house and are “renting” rooms to illegal aliens. Law-abiding residents are being forced to abandon their own homes and relocate.

Again, this is intolerable.

The fire and some arrests that have been made on or near the property seem to have driven the worst malefactors away, for the moment. However, residents are concerned that they will return and that the municipal government doesn’t seem willing or able to decisively deal with the situation.

What’s more, there is an “unknown number of migrant squatters” involved, and it’s near-certain that these people are in the country illegally. Where is Immigration and Customs Enforcement?  Why have these people not been rounded up and exported? Perhaps this is because New York, state and city, are “sanctuary” jurisdictions? There is, we must admit, a certain amount of “you’ve made your bed, now lie in it” here.

Previously on RedState: Armed Gangs of Illegal Aliens Taking Over Aurora, CO Apartment Buildings – and Nothing Is Being Done 

UPDATE: The Mayor of Aurora, CO Speaks on Apartment Building Takeovers by Armed Gangs

While some concerned city council members are involved, the municipal government seems to be dragging its feet in dealing with the issue, as the NY Post story linked above reports:

“Review laws”? People are being driven from their homes, the homes they are paying for, the homes in which they have invested much of their income and years of their lives. What about the laws regarding the city’s obligation to protect the liberty and property of our citizens?

First Aurora, Colorado, now Brooklyn, New York – where else is this kind of thing going on? Sadly, this is another symptom of the ongoing decline of our American cities. We have seen the results of laws reducing criminal penalties for various offenses, we have seen laws that make it more difficult to evict squatters, and we have seen almost four years of the Biden/Harris administration’s disastrous border policies

Our cities are self-destructing, the various city governments don’t seem able to arrest the decline, and there’s no telling where this will all end.

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