Uh-Oh: Well-Heeled Harris Donors Not Happy About Plan to Over-Tax Super-Rich, Push Her to Drop It

Twin hypocrites Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama, the former a multibillionaire, the latter a multimillionaire, waxed hypocritical at the largest gaslighting event in the history of American politics — AKA the 2024 Democrat National Convention (DNC) — about wealthy (greedy) Republicans.

Mrs. Obama droned on about how her parents “didn’t aspire to be wealthy,” incredulously (given her own wealthy) adding: “In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.” 

Likewise, Oprah blasted former President Trump, saying the work of maintaining a democracy “requires standing up to life’s bullies” and whining about how she has sometimes been on the receiving end of “racism and sexism and income inequality and division.” Did I mention she’s worth an estimated $3 billion?

Team Trump promptly posted a thank-you letter Winfrey wrote to “Donald” in 2000 suggesting not only that he would be a good president but adding “Too bad we’re not running for office. What a team!”

My Oh My, What a Difference a Week Makes

As most of the known universe knows by now, Kamala Harris continues to refuse to reveal details of her various policies and proposals — most of which almost seem to change by the day. Right behind her refusal stands a terrified Democrat Party; terrified that any details she provides (assuming she wouldn’t lie) would drive away moderate and independent voters in droves.

As I wrote on August 23 in an article titled “Here Are 5 Trillion Reasons Harris, the Democrats Don’t Want You to Know the Details of Her Policies,” Americans for Tax Reform detailed a “$5 Trillion List of Tax Hikes Kamala Harris Just Endorsed,” as confirmed by the Harris campaign.

Of course, low-information, rank-and-file Democrat voters no doubt loved every minute of it, along with the hypocritical bilge from Winfrey, the Obamas, and various other super-wealthy leftists who spoke at the DNC.

Just one problem.

Wealthy Harris donors aren’t happy with her “tax the daylights out of the rich” plan and are quietly pushing her to drop it, proving yet again: The hypocrisy of the rich knows no bounds.

Here’s more:

At least one top donor close to Harris has raised the issue with her in a private conversation, encouraging her to instead tax the super-rich when they borrow against their wealth.

Also Read:

Doocy Dishes on Tension Inside Harris’ ‘Frankenstein’ Campaign and ‘Senioritis’ in Biden WH

Even CNN Has Questions and Is Now Fact-Checking Kamala Interview, So You Know It Did Not Go Well

‘Little Piece of Paper’: Human Rights Commission Prez, Other Leftists Call for Repeal of Constitution

Perfect, isn’t it? Perfect hypocrisy, I mean. When Democrat policies — principally developed to sell to (exploit) low-information voters — displease ultra-rich Democrats, the “fun” begins. Kamala Harris is already up to her dishonest eyeballs in that “fun.”

And rest assured: There’s more to come.

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  1. The people who vote for democrats are brainwashed by lying democrat politicians and their lying lap dog media. If the dems told the truth of what their plans truly are no one but a fool would vote for the anti-American Anti-Constitution, anti-Christian party. The true danger to democracy are democrats who ignore the laws of the land, disobeying the Supreme Court, walking all over the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments to the constitution by illegal spying, censorship, and illegal taxation and ignoring their oaths of office of up holding the safety and laws of the country. They have allowed an invasion of illegals by refusing to uphold immigration laws and not vetting known terrorists and criminals.

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