JD Vance Tears Into Andy Beshear Over ‘Disgusting’ Rape Comment About Family

Another day, yet another bizarro attack on Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) from our supposed intellectual betters on the left.

When last we left you, Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) was on the Democrat National Convention stage in Chicago on Monday proclaiming that the 2024 GOP vice presidential nominee was not a real Ohioan at heart because he’d had the nerve to make something of himself as a young man rather than staying poor and uneducated.

“Now JD Vance likes to talk about how he’s from Ohio, but as soon as he could, he ran away to Yale and Silicon Valley — cozying up with billionaires while trashing our communities,” she stated, while conveniently leaving out that Vance joined the Marines out of high school, then came back and went to Ohio State and then Yale before publishing a successful book and then becoming a United States Senator.

READ MORE–>> They’re So Bad at This: Democrat Attack on JD Vance’s Background During DNC Widely Misses the Mark

As we’ve previously documented, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) has also been out front and center attacking Vance over his origin story, claiming in so many words back in July that Vance was not an authentic Kentuckian but being shut down by Vance, who responded by saying “it’s very weird to have a guy whose first job was at his dad’s law firm and who inherited the governorship from his father criticize my origin story.”

“Yes, nobody gave me the governorship and nobody gave me a job because of who my father was. I’m proud of that,” Vance also said at the time.

Beshear, a failed vice presidential contender for Kamala Harris, also gave a speech Monday during the DNC, going after Vance and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump over so-called abortion rights. But it’s what Beshear said Tuesday morning during a segment of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program that has stirred the pot and pushed Vance, who is pro-life, to respond accordingly.

In them, Beshear seemed to suggest/insinuate that a member of Vance’s family should experience rape so they could better understand the supposed need for abortion to be legal:

Vance fired back on the Twitter/X machine, calling Beshear a “disgusting person”:

Here’s a compare/contrast between Beshear invoking the “Golden Rule “about loving thy neighbor during the convention and then hours later, his vile remarks about Vance’s family and rape and abortion:

They’re telling us who they are again, folks, and we should believe them.

Related: Side-By-Side Video Comparisons of Vance and Walz Confirm VP Debate Is Gonna Be Lit

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