Reason: Anti-Gun Judges Are Now Forced to Make Pro-Gun Rulings

In the wake of the Heller decision, it was easy to think that things had changed. I suppose that, on some level, they had, but they hadn’t changed quite enough. Plenty of federal court judges were deciding against the Second Amendment in some horrifically bad rulings, all of which basically hinged on the Second Amendment being meaningless, at least in their minds.

A lot of bad laws were permitted to stand because of it.

Now, a federal judge has ruled New Jersey’s assault weapon ban as unconstitutional, even if he didn’t really want to.

Reason’s Jacob Sullum argues that this is the new norm; that judges who might favor gun control are no longer able to rule in favor of it. They’re forced to defend the Second Amendment.

Is Sullam right? Are decisions like Bruen forcing judges to reach gun-friendly conclusions?

Well, sort of.

If there’s absolutely any way for a judge like Sheridan to justify gun control, they will. It might take some impressive levels of contortion–which Rahimi is likely not going to help in the least in many cases–but they’ll do it just the same.

In the case of something like an assault weapon ban, it’s virtually impossible to find a historical precedence for such a law, even under Rahimi’s more lax approach to such things. That’s because you’d have to find a ban on an entire category of weapon, which the Founding Fathers weren’t fans of. I mean, contrary to what President Joe Biden has said repeatedly, you actually could own a cannon.

If you can have field artillery, it’s going to be hard to make a logical leap to “AR-15s are too dangerous for the Founding Fathers to have approved of.”

I’ve never fired a 5.56 round that could blow up someone’s home, after all.

So it does look like a lot of judges may well find their hands forced on gun cases. They might not want to overturn gun control laws but they don’t really get to make that call. That’s for the Supreme Court to decide and they did, which means they don’t have much choice.

Considering the mess they made of things before Bruen, well, that’s probably for the best.

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