Jen Psaki Finally Apologizes for Lying to Gold Star Families

Former White House Press Secretary and now MSNBC host Jen Psaki finally apologized Friday for saying in her book that Joe Biden didn’t look at his watch during a Dover Air Force Base ceremony in August 2021 honoring the 13 soldiers killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Good for McCaul for pressing the issue, but Psaki’s apparent apology is weak sauce indeed. She asked him “to pass along” her regrets? She has a national cable news TV show from which she could speak to them directly any time she chooses.

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It’s also still mystifying that she would have made such an incorrect claim in the first place. Was she not aware of the existence of cameras and witnesses?

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) reacted to the news:

I’m unclear what Waltz means by “I pray she follows through” because in reading McCaul’s statement, her asking him to pass along her regrets seems like that’s as far as she is willing to go. I don’t know if she’d have the decency to apologize to the families directly.

Biden’s dereliction of duty during the Afghanistan withdrawal was an early stain on his presidency and was only made worse by the lack of respect and empathy he showed America’s fallen and the Gold Star families. Psaki’s false telling of that day just added more salt to the wounds.

Our American heroes deserved better.

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