Insider: Biden’s Disaster Debate Was a Setup—a ‘Soft Coup’

It was the debate heard around the world, and it changed the U.S. presidential election overnight. While former President Donald Trump was already looking good in the polls, it was still a tight race, but then frail Joe Biden appeared on the CNN stage in Atlanta Thursday night and proved he is simply not up to the job of commander-in-chief. 

But was his disastrous performance an accident? Or were devious insiders setting up the octogenarian to fail so they could replace him with someone a little sharper—say, perhaps California Gov. Gavin Newsom or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer?

At least one insider thinks so, according to DailyMail:

But it was Team Biden themselves who pushed for the early date.

Waiting in the wings:

Comedian Adam Carolla: Trump ‘Destroys’ Newsom in One-on-One Match

Michigan Continues to Lose Population Even Though Governor Claims State Is Doing Great

Now I always take the talk of “insiders” and “anonymous sources” with a grain of salt because they usually have a hidden agenda, and if they had any cojones, they’d put a name behind their words. Nevertheless, this claim has the ring of truth—why else would Biden be trotted out there so early in the game to fail so spectacularly on the world stage before the Democrat convention had even started?

Reportedly some Biden detractors have known for weeks that he would faceplant under the lights and the glare of Trump:

Meanwhile, for at least the past year, we’ve seen Gavin Newsom try to slither into the national conversation, and although he denies it, it appears obvious that he’s preparing to jump in the race if needed. But guess who else has allegedly been making moves? Whitmer:

This whole saga has a very Shakespearean feel to it, and I suspect we’ll see many more (figurative) backstabbings and behind-the-scenes shenanigans as corrupt Democrats try to salvage the game, which right now they are losing. 

They all deserve each other.

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  1. We’re all ready had three and a half years of an idiot running this country. If Whitler or Newsome were to replace the idiot in office now this country would be in even worse shape. Whitler and Newsoms handling of covid were disasters, people are fleeing Michigan and California because of their inane policies with job losses and selling out to China.

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