Contrasts in Leadership: 10 Minutes Before Historic Debate, Trump Called Mom of Murdered Jocelyn Nungaray

There are numerous moments, tragedies and stories that sum up the catastrophe that has been Joe Biden’s presidency. One of the more heart-wrenching recent stories surrounds 12-year-old Texas girl Jocelyn Nungaray, who was brutally raped and murdered by two illegal alien Venezuelans who slipped past the border that Mumbles has left open during his entire term in an inexcusable dereliction of duty.

It pains me to think about, much less report on:


More Biden Border Tragedy: Venezuelan Illegal Immigrants Murder 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

How Many More Bodies Will Be Buried Before Somebody Stops Biden’s Illegal Invasion at the Border?

Did Biden show any remorse—any humanity—after this tragedy, or the equally awful case of 22-year-old Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, also murdered by an illegal, where he had to literally be forced to say her name at the State of the Union speech (and he still got it wrong)? No. He just continues on his robotic, seemingly conscience-free march toward our nation’s decline.

A Tale of Two Candidates

While Biden Thinks Women Are Being Impregnated by Their in-Laws, Trump Nails Him on ‘Biden Migrant Crime’

The contrast between the two candidates’ cognitive abilities at the debate was stark—but there’s another contrast worthy of pointing out, and that’s the pair’s drastically differing approach to those whose lives have been destroyed by Biden’s policies. While Joe ignores victims of his incompetence and instead parties with Hollywood celebrities, Trump actually reaches out to real people, from Gold Star families to the aforementioned Laken Riley’s parents, to name just a few examples. While Joe Biden was hiding away in Camp David for over a week to prepare for the debate, Trump—just 10 minutes before possibly the most important event in his political life—reached out to poor Jocelyn Nungaray’s grieving mother.

Doubtless, this will not be reported by the duplicitous New York Times, the low-rated CNN, or within the America-hating halls of MSNBC. 

This episode points to what America is, what it stands for, and who we are as a nation. Joe Biden has proven that he’s as heartless, as craven, and as calculating as any hyper-destructive 20th-century world leader—or even modern ones like China’s Xi Jinping or Russia’s Vladimir Putin. However, this American experiment has always held itself to higher standards, which Biden has failed to meet. Whether you’re a Never Trumper or a MAGA fanatic, it’s hard to argue against the fact that the former president and GOP presumptive nominee is the one who’s shown actual empathy for the American people—while the incumbent has shown nothing but a cold, elitist shoulder. 

Biden’s incoherence is rightfully the nation’s #1 topic, but his heartlessness is also on full display daily. History will remember.

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