Chris Sununu: ‘No Energy’ Trump Can Barely Read a Teleprompter

Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) said Monday on CNN’s “The Lead” that former President Donald Trump has “no energy” and could “barely read a teleprompter.”

Sununu said, “Anyone who says this is a must-win for Nikki Haley, I heard someone mentioning that saying they overpaid for that political science degree. Only three goals here. One was to get second place. Two was to make sure we have only two candidates in the race. She’s wiped 12 candidates off. And then three she wants to build on that out of Iowa. She had 20%. She will more than double or exceed that here. The last point is they’re polls. Last time I checked they’re always wrong. You never know. The same poll on the day I got elected said I would lose by 11 and we won by a couple percent.”

He continued, “So you know, it’s all about the voter turnout. It’s all about the enthusiasm, where’s the energy. Not just what people say on a phone or how they you know, respond to an online text or something. It’s really about the energy of that campaign. Trump has no energy — the guy can barely read a teleprompter right now. All the wind is behind the Nikki’s sails. So I just think the sky’s the limit.”

Sununu added, “Nikki Haley doesn’t want establishment endorsements. She doesn’t want any of them. She really doesn’t. Look, Trump has gone from the disrupter to this establishment guy. He’s never held the Senate accountable. Nikki Haley wants term limits. She says none of them should get paid unless they actually do their job.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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  1. I don’t think Sununu could speak for a continuous
    two plus hours and never miss a beat and get the
    response from the thousands of people President
    Trump has at his rallies. Nikki Haley is putting
    a lot of emphasis on age, recently, but some of
    the most intelligent men I hear speak on TV, often,
    are from our US Congress who are in their 70’s and 80’s.

    • Sununu is saying what benefits his candidate. The real point, however, is that Trump doesn’t NEED a teleprompter, now nor in the past. And his energy right now is being siphoned into all the trials Biden has had brought against him for his own political gain; yet, he’s managed to keep these dates with the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary. Haley wouldn’t be doing very well energy-wise if she were facing the same set of circumstances Trump is, and she’s a whole lot younger.

      Trump is amazing! Biden, however, is a whole other issue. and Haley is just another Romney-type RINO.

  2. Sununu is another Rino pushing for Haley who is disguised as a republican. She didn’t get my vote in the NH primary and if she makes it to the end, which I doubt, she still won’t do anything about the border, economy, or crime.

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