Press Claim ‘Major Financier’ of Sound of Freedom Charged With ‘Child Kidnapping,’ but There’s Way More to the Story

Sound of Freedom, a low-budget movie starring Jim Cavezial that has gone on to enjoy wild financial success, continues to be controversial for reasons that would make sense to no normal person.

The film is based on the story of Tim Ballard, a former DHS agent who eventually devoted his life to rescuing children from sex trafficking rings. You’d think that’d be a cause all Americans could get behind, whether they go see the movie or not.

Unfortunately, because it was created by Angel Studios (the creators of The Chosen), stars Jim Cavezial, and has to do with exposing pedophiles, the mainstream press got incredibly defensive. You can speculate as to why, but here are just some examples of the various headlines.

Apparently, the left-wing panic isn’t over, though. A new report, pushed by Discussing Film, one of the larger pop culture sites on the internet, claims that a “major financier” of Sound of Freedom has been charged with “child kidnapping.”

They include a link to a report from Bro Bible which states the following.

Fabian Marta, a financier of the film Sound of Freedomhas been arrested and charged with child kidnapping, according to reports.

Marta, who said in comments on Facebook that he was an “angel investor” in the film and that his role involved reacquiring the rights back from Disney to stop them from “burying” the film, was arrested on July 21.

According to records from the official Missouri Courts website, Marta has been officially charged with kidnapping in the First Degree and is accused of allegedly “removing a non-family member below the age of 14 without their parent’s consent.”

Sounds bad, right? In fact, it sounds like Fabian Marta was a major player in the production of Sound of Freedom. But not only is there more to this story, you’ll soon find out that the above framing is false on all fronts.

We’ll start with the obvious implication that this shows some kind of hypocrisy on the part of Sound of Freedom. So was Marta actually charged with “child kidnapping,” and did it have anything to do with sex trafficking? Let’s go to a local news source from the area which provides more information.

Fabian Marta, a Chesterfield man charged with being an accessory to the kidnapping of two children, was an investor of the anti-child trafficking movie “Sound of Freedom,” his attorney confirmed to News 4.

A probable cause statement against Marta, 51, alleges he helped somebody who had unlawfully taken her children and interfered with the return of the two children to their lawful parent “by refusing to allow police access to the residence and impeding the kidnapping investigation.”

The probable cause statement says the children were taken from an address near Midtown in St. Louis City and taken to an address in the Fountain Park neighborhood about 10 minutes away. It alleges Marta helped harbor the children at the Fountain Park address. Both children are under 14 years old.

Marta is not a sex trafficker. He is a landlord who let a tenant keep her children on the property after she allegedly took them from their father without permission. In other words, he got mixed up in a custody dispute, and it’s likely he was simply going by what the mother had told him. He’s also not charged with kidnapping a child. He’s being charged as an accessory.

Now, let’s get to the notion that he was a “major financier” of Sound of Freedom because that’s where things really get ridiculous. In reality, Marta was just a donor to the film’s early GoFundMe, giving somewhere around $500 (he was an “Angle tier” contributor). Anyone could give to that fundraiser because it was public. He was not an actual “investor” in the film nor did he play any role in its production or promotion.

Let this be another example of just how dishonest the press can be. At some point, you’d hope they’d stop digging. A movie about the very real problem of child sex trafficking shouldn’t be causing them this much angst.

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