Donald Trump Puts out Statement Confirming His Coming Arrest, Calls for Mass Protests

As RedState reported previously, law enforcement agencies have already begun preparations to arrest former President Donald Trump sometime in the coming week (as of this writing). That came after the Manhattan District Attorney resurrected a questionable case involving a hush money payment sent to Stormy Daniels.

I’ve written on the case in the past, including the highly politicized motivation behind the never-before-tested legal theory being trotted out by prosecutors. It supposes that the misdemeanor charge can be upgraded to a felony, bypassing the statute of limitations and putting jail time on the table.

Now, Trump has put out a statement that confirms he will be arrested on Tuesday.

Past reports noted that Trump’s legal team has recently met with the Manhattan DA’s office in a move that typically only happens prior to an indictment. That was the first sign that something big was coming. That Trump is being so specific, using all caps and not questioning the report, provides further evidence that his arrest is imminent. It is almost certain, especially in a high-profile case like this, that Trump and his legal team have already been made aware of the timeline behind closed doors.

I will say this about the call to take to the streets to protest: Don’t do it.

Right now, Trump actually enjoys a lot of sympathy over this, even from sites like The Washington Post and National Review, both of which are questioning the probable indictment. He can beat this thing legitimately, or at least that’s his best shot to make this go away. If his most diehard supporters cause any level of chaos, specifically in the mold of January 6th, the narrative will be turned on its head. Do not give them what they want because if you do, they will be waiting with more charges.

With that, I’ll leave you to speculate about any further developments. Things are about to get crazy in the United States.

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