The insanity flooding the country because of Joe Biden is absurdity on display. The Democrats think they can do whatever they want with any person, no matter what their age might be. Parents are in an outrage at a school counselor who thought it would be good to teach little kids all about pornography and masturbation. Little kids do not want to know about such things because all they want to do is play on the playground and be a kid.
And of course, when the parents stood up to the counselor, the liberal New York Times took to the porno teacher’s defense. They wrote that “Pornography literacy classes are supposed to teach students how to critically assess what they see on the screen. But when a sex-positive educator taught her curriculum at two elite New York City schools recently, some parents were outraged.”
No parent who loves their first grader will permit their child to listen to material on how sexually arouse oneself. The counselor thought it would be a great idea to present a cartoon that showed a character getting it on with itself. The so-called cartoon had words that vividly described what each character was doing to itself.
Another report noted that “About 120 juniors, girls and boys, at Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School were subjected to Fonte’s class, called ‘Pornography Literacy: An intersectional focus on mainstream porn,’ which presented them with explicit material including slides.”
And the liberals wonder why parents and conservatives are distraught over some of the things they are trying to get away with. In many cases, the material is never brought up to the parents because it is shown to them without parental consent. The parents found out about the material because some of the students were watching on Zoom.
The New York Times also downplayed the problem by making it seem like much of what is being taught is commonplace. They made it sound like parents do not care and do not want to know what their kids are taught, which could not be farther from the truth. The schools keep parents in the dark because they do not want to be held accountable for teaching.
The porn counselor went on to say that “I equip them with a way that they can exercise body agency and consent, by knowing exactly what those parts are, what they are called, and how to take care of them.” As if stating the goal and method was a good enough excuse to justify the horrors the kids were going through.
The New York Times also defended the porn star by claiming the big words were never really used. But as they would write, “Fonte clearly showed 6- and 7-year-old children a video that described fondling their own genitals. Presumably, this kind of sophistry explains how so many reporters can insist K-12 schools don’t teach Critical Race Theory.”
The Times tried to make the porn teacher out to be the victim. They claimed that “Fonte weathered the recent attacks on her reputation, violent threats in her inbox and the experience of being doxed.” There are consequences for teaching things that are best left unsaid. No kid should ever be taught the things that are widely deemed as unacceptable by society.
The liberals are teaching things that land a lot of people in prison. Pornography is illegal, and when it involves kids, the consequences are life-changing and often lead to prison time for everyone involved.
The goal of the porn teacher is to remove all the modesty barriers. She wants to make sure that boys and girls and comfortable with each other because Joe Biden wants them all in the same bathroom together.
The dangerous material floating around the public school system is woke-based and is set to damage the minds of children of all ages. Parents have the right to be ticked off at people such as the porn teacher because they have no business teaching kids things that can potentially lead them to prison. Kids need to be left on the playground to run and have fun. They should not be subjected to the horrible doctrine of the liberal monsters looking for their next mind to ruin.